Il Sole 24 ORE doubles and grows on Sundays

The Sunday edition of Il Sole 24 ORE doubles and grows. Starting Sunday 19 June, Nòva24, the weekly insert on research, innovation and technology shifts from Thursday to Sunday and changes from the tabloid format to the newspaper's traditional size. Together with "Domenica", the cultural insert, also back to its broadsheet roots, offering readers a double treat on the day typically devoted to the pleasure of reading.

Nòva24, led by its new editor-in-chief Fernanda Roggero, will also change content, continuing its mission to tell us how science, technology and research are bringing real changes to the everyday lives of consumers and companies. With its new look, Nòva24 will provide more insightful information, mainly to help companies understand the developments in technology and leverage on the factors that improve their business, increasing their national and international competitiveness. The product section renews and reinvigorates its efforts to offer consumers a vivid picture on the advancements in technology, with preview tests and trials, comparisons and opinions. With the aim of providing information that is of service to the public, the new Nòva24 casts its eye towards the future with an extremely practical approach.

"Domenica", the cultural insert, is back to its broadsheet format as well. Conceived almost 30 years ago, it made what was at the time an audacious bet to lay the foundations in Italy for a quality publishing market in the cultural field. Humanities, art, leisure, design, science, philosophy and history are the topics that resonate on the pages of the Domenicale - as it is fondly called by its readers. A successful wager which renews itself over and over again, centred upon the customary values of authority and originality, with a mix of lay spirit and spirituality, diversion and depth, starting from the cover, which will feature an unpublished work by a great writer and «Breviario», the new column by Gianfranco Ravasi.

The new editor-in-chief of “Domenica”, Armando Massarenti, previously head of the insert’s science and philosophy page and member of the editorial staff since 1986, will also focus on one of the pillars of the Domenicale, which have made it the point of reference within the national and international cultural debate: the ability to establish unusual connections among ideas, to interlace knowledge and guide readers along the pathways of culture and thought and amaze them with ideas they had never thought of.

The new-old prestigious writers will offer readers their seasoned insight into every facet of knowledge. Historians Massimo Firpo, Salvatore Seltis and Sergio Luzzatto, philosophers Remo Bodei, Roberto Casati and Sebastiano Maffettone. Art critics Gonzales Palacios, Angela Vettese and Gabi Scardi. Writers of the likes of Vincenzo Cerami and Ermanno Cavazzoni. Film critics such as Goffredo Fofi and many other authors ready to provide readers with plenty of food for thought.

For further information:
Ginevra Cozzi – Press Office Il Sole 24 ORE
Tel: 02/3022.4945 – Mob. 335/1350144