Board of Statutory Auditors
The current Board of Statutory Auditors, consisting of three Standing Auditors and two Alternate Auditors, was appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2022 and will remain in office until the Shareholders’ Meeting to be convened to approve the financial statements as at 31 December 2024.

Tiziana Vallone
Tiziana Vallone is Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. from 27 April 2022.
Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor since 1998, Tiziana Vallone is an expert in Auditing, Corporate Finance, Corporate Law and Corporate Restructuring.
She carries out offices in boards of statutory auditors of listed companies and financial companies.
Director of the Mario Negri Pension Fund (from 2017) and Director of Intermonte Sim Spa (from 2021). She is also Vice President of Manageritalia Lombardia and Managing Director of the Administration and Treasury (from 2020).
By decree of the Ministry of Industry and Made in Italy of July 2023, she was assigned the role of expert for supporting the Business Crisis Structure of the same Ministry. Former member of the task force of ten experts supporting the MISE Business Crisis Structure from September 2021 to November 2022.
She is also Vice President of the Corporate Crisis and Recovery Commission - ODCEC Milan, and a member of the ESG Reflection Group of AIDC Milan.
Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the State University of Bari, she obtained a Master's degree in Corporate Tax Law from Bocconi University and a Master's degree in Administration, Management, Direction and Control of Complementary Social Security Institutions from LIUC University.
She graduated in Economics and Commerce from the State University of Bari, obtained a Master's in Corporate Tax Law from Bocconi University and a Master's in Administration, Management, Management and Control of Social Security Bodies complementary to LIUC University.

Myriam Amato
Myriam Amato, 49, a graduate in business administration from the Bocconi University, gained her professional experience in the statutory audit of national and multinational corporations. She also juggled her auditing experience with her experience as Certified Public Accountant, working with leading firms in Milan.
Her most recent work experience as CFO of a listed company allowed her to combine her experience as a professional with direct corporate management, enabling her to further enhance her all-around skills. Her positions on the boards of statutory auditors of listed companies have enabled her to gain increasing knowledge in the area of corporate governance. Good organizational and planning skills, a mindset for working to deadlines and goals, a sense of responsibility, dedication, flexibility and drive have enabled her to fill roles with increasing levels of responsibility. She is accustomed to managing work groups and is well acquainted with managing interpersonal relationships.

Giuseppe Crippa
Certified Public Accountant and Auditor with 30 years’ experience and specialization in tax, corporate and business consulting, extraordinary transactions, corporate groups and holding companies. He has the requirements to hold the office of Statutory Auditor, Auditor, Member of the Supervisory Board, Member of the Oversight Board pursuant to Article 6 of Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001.
He boasts proven experience through continuous professional growth, ensuring a timely and effective response to customer needs.
He serves as statutory auditor and auditor in Italy's leading tyre company and in a corporate group operating in the petrochemical industry and as President of the Board of Auditors in the company organizing the largest international trade fair event during the Christmas holidays.
Main clients include companies operating in the elevator and escalator industry, forming the major grouping of Italian companies of this type, the qualitative market research company that has become the main player in Italy for multinationals in the consumer goods field, and a multinational in the oil & gas industry.
Independent auditors
The statutory audit for the financial years 2016 - 2024 is performed by EY S.p.A., a statutory auditing company appointed by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 29 April 2016.
The Supervisory Body
The Supervisory Body, consisting of three members appointed by the Board of Directors, has the task of supervising the effective functioning of and compliance with Model 231 and ensuring that it is updated.
The Supervisory Body can be contacted by writing to:
Organismo di Vigilanza
Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A.
Viale Sarca, 223
20126 Milano
or by sending an e-mail to: