Stakeholder engagement

We invest in the present and future of our employees, collaborators, and partners, recognizing our role as a cultural platform for the country and as an international multimedia group on economic, financial, regulatory, and development issues.

We prioritize the well being of our employees through numerous initiatives, ranging from personal growth to extended family support. In addition to professional training and activities promoting psychophysical well being, with dedicated courses and participation in sports events, we offer support through contributions for nurseries and degrees, sustainable workshops for children, and incentives to participate in solidarity events such as blood donations.

We promote sustainable mobility among employees by encouraging carpooling, signing agreements with micro-mobility operators, and making our headquarters more accessible, including opening a new entrance to encourage subway use.

Among our most significant initiatives, we presented the Financial Education Manifesto promoted by Sole 24 Ore at the Trento Economy Festival. It was signed by numerous representatives of the Italian and international academic community, aiming to promote financial literacy through collaboration between schools, universities, banks, and media outlets..

  • Competitors

    Competing companies.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Events and fairs, meetings, participation in working groups within trade associations, telephone and email contacts.

  • End Users/Public

    Readers, listeners, exhibition visitors, website and social media users, students, event participants, subscribers.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Social channels of the publications, emails, chat, and letters to the editor, products and services in the strict sense (newspaper, radio, events, exhibitions, social channels, podcasts, terrestrial digital TV channel, etc.), satisfaction questionnaires, advertising communication campaigns, newsletters, websites and editorial sites, comments on articles, physical and virtual classrooms, apps.

  • Strategic Partners

    Event sponsorship partners, business partners.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Direct and email contacts, press, dedicated meetings, and presentations.

  • Shareholders and Other Present and Future Investors

    Shareholders, investors.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Channels for discussion and listening through telephone calls, shareholders' meetings, a dedicated investor email box, institutional website for sharing and publishing information and documents relevant to investors, Dialogue Policy with Shareholders and Investors.

  • Local Community and Territory


    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Joint initiatives, direct and email contacts, agreements, organization of local events, interaction with citizens and their representative bodies.

  • Financial Community

    Financial analysts, banks.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Channels for discussion and listening through telephone and one-to-one meetings, emails, institutional website for sharing and publishing information and documents relevant to the financial community.

  • Institutions>

    Regulatory bodies, legislators, public administration, local authorities.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Direct, telephone, and email contacts, technical meetings, participation in hearings at regulatory authorities.

  • Suppliers

    Suppliers of raw materials, IT suppliers, logistics service providers, other service providers, third-party publishers in concession, work providers (museums, private), consultants (professional service providers).

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Direct, telephone, and email contacts, press, supplier portal, dedicated meetings and events.

  • Clients

    Large clients (companies, trade associations, public administration, financial institutions), professionals, retailers (bookstores, newsstands), advertising clients, museums, and foundations.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Telephone contacts, emails, chat, questionnaires and surveys, advertising campaigns, newsletters, inserts, brochures, catalogues, events, market research, commercial and technical meetings, direct communications, support and assistance, product presentations, periodic dedicated meetings with major clients.

  • Trade Associations and Unions

    Publisher associations, company unions, national unions.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Union consultation tables, participation in technical committees to share the Group's position with other publishers.

  • Employees and Collaborators

    Employees, journalists, authors, external collaborators, sales agents.

    Main communication channels and methods of involvement:
    Intranet, code of ethics, direct and email communications, on-going dialogue, periodic meetings, training.