Inside 24 ORE Group

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Call for ideas "Le voci del domani"

On the occasion of the 20th birthday of the Trento Economics Festival, young people become protagonists thanks to the Call for Ideas "Le Voci del Domani": in this video, Il Sole 24

Sustainability and innovation are our home

Reducing the environmental impact in all our activities and ensuring safe and healthy workplaces are two objectives to which we have long paid extreme attention.

From Dubuffet to Art Brut,” opened the exhibition at Mudec
Opened on October 12, 2024 at Mudec, the exhibition “From Dubuffet to Art Brut”, specially conceived for the Museo delle Culture, aims at bringing to Italy an exhibition project that finally tells the Milanese public about the extraordinary expressive power of Art Brut, of this artistic and revolutionary vision from which many contemporary artists have drawn inspiration and which continues to be vital today, in the belief that art is for anyone a voice to be resonated through the expression of unexpected beauty.