Ethics and compliance

All our choices and activities are guided and inspired by the principles of ethics and integrity. The application of these elements in the governance model, and in our daily choices, actively contributes to the long-term value creation and growth of the business community to which we belong.

Corporate Governance Code

Since 2021, we have been voluntarily applying the Corporate Governance Code, in line with the previous voluntary application and adherence to the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies. The Corporate Governance Code defines the objectives and principles for achieving “good governance”, and provides recommendations for conduct aimed at achieving these objectives. Through this instrument, too, we therefore ensure compliance with the transparency and ethical principles that guide us.

Articles of Association

The Articles of Association of Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. represent the fundamental charter outlining the essential characteristics of the Company, establishing the corporate purpose, organisation criteria and operating rules. They also establish the administration and control model adopted by the Company, specifying the composition, powers and relations between the corporate bodies, thus ensuring an effective division of tasks and responsibilities within the Company.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics of the 24 ORE Group represents the guide for our actions and decisions, ensuring that each member of the Group, from managers to collaborators, from agents to suppliers, operates in the protection of rights and in full respect of laws and regulations, with honesty, fairness and transparency. It also regulates relations with all the entities with which we come into contact and is our point of reference towards sustainable development in all its spheres: economic, environmental and social.

Model 231

Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 introduced the administrative liability of entities for offences committed by employees and directors of companies in the interest and/or to the advantage of those entities. The Company, as well as the other Italian companies of the 24 ORE Group, have therefore implemented their own Model 231 and set up their respective Supervisory Bodies to ensure fairness in corporate activities, providing clear guidelines, control procedures and preventive measures in order to mitigate the risk of offences and promote a corporate culture based on integrity and responsibility.

Gender Equality

Our Group is committed to valuing people and their diversity through personnel management policies that promote equal professional development opportunities for everyone. The “Declaration for Gender Equality” deepens and outlines our commitment to creating a culture that repudiates considerations of gender, age and nationality, and is based on talent, meritocracy and long-term sustainability.

Regulations and Procedures

We adopt specific Regulations, Policies and Procedures to ensure transparency, integrity and compliance with the law and our rules, creating a sound and effective regulatory framework, as well as being consistent with the provisions of Models 231 and Legislative Decree No. 231/2001. These documents regulate, among other things, transactions with related parties, the management of corporate information, the management and external communication of documents and information, as well as dialogue with shareholders and investors, in line with the policy adopted by the Company.