In accordance with the Corporate Governance Code of Listed Companies, the Board of Directors sets corporate strategy by ensuring internal and external transparency, oversees the internal control and risk management system, and regulates the management of conflicts of interest as well as related party transactions and corporate information.
The current 11-member Board of Directors will serve until the Shareholders’ Meeting to be convened for the approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2024. On 27 April 2022, the Board of Directors of Il Sole 24 ORE established the Board Committees and appointed their members and their Presidents.
Members | Job Title/Status | Control, Risk and Related Parties Committee | Appointments and Remuneration Committee | ESG and Technological Innovation Committee | Committee on Compliance with the Editorial Mission |
Edoardo Garrone | Chairperson of the Board of Directors/executive | ||||
Mirja Cartia d’Asero | Managing Director and CEO/executive | ||||
Claudia Parzani | Vice-Chairperson/independent non-executive | Chairperson | |||
Roberta Cocco | Non-independent non-executive director | Chairperson | |||
Diamante Ortensia D’Alessio | Independent non- executive director | ||||
Veronica Diquattro | Independent non- executive director | ||||
Chiara Laudanna | Independent non- executive director | ||||
Marco Liera | Independent non- executive director | ||||
Ferruccio Resta | Independent non- executive director | Chairperson | Chairperson | ||
Alexander Ross | Independent non- executive director | ||||
Gianmario Verona | Independent non- executive director |

Edoardo Garrone
Born in Genoa on 30 December 1961, Edoardo Garrone earned a degree in Political Science at the Alfieri Institute of Florence, and later attended post-graduate courses in Economics and Finance in London and the USA, as well as a "Business & Administration" course for junior company managers at INSEAD, Fontainebleau.
Edoardo Garrone held the following institutional positions: from 1994 to 1997, Vice President of the Industrialists’ Association of Genoa; from 1997 to 1998, President of the Young Entrepreneurs’ Group of the Industrialists’ Association of Genoa; from 2000 to 2002, National President of the Young Entrepreneurs’ Group of Confindustria; from May 2004 to April 2008, Member of the Confindustria Presiding Committee, and President of the Technical Committee for Institutional Reforms and Federalism; from May 2006 to August 2016, Board Member of Pininfarina S.p.A.; from July 2008 to April 2013, Board Member of Sipi S.p.A.; from July 2008 to April 2013, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aedificatio S.p.A.; from May 2008 to April 2012, Confindustria Vice President for Organization and Associative Marketing; from June 2009 to July 2016, Board Member of ALUISS; from July 2010 to November 2012, Sole Director of Retindustria S.r.l.; from May 2012 to April 2014, Member of the Confindustria Presiding Committee, and President of the Technical Committee for the Environment and Internationalization of the Association System; from May 2014 to April 2016, Member of the Confindustria Presiding Committee, responsible for the Internationalization of the Association System. From May 2016 to April 2020, Member of the Advisory Board of Confindustria and President of the Technical Group for the Internationalization of the Association System. From November 2017 to January 2020, Board Member of Invitalia Ventures SGR. From February 2015 to August 2020, Board Member of Istituto Gianna Gaslini; from september 2018 to July 2023 member of the General Board of FIEG – Federazione Italiana Editori Giornali.
From 1986 to 1987, employed at Marsud S.p.A., Bari. From 1989 to 1991, manager with the ERG Group Strategic Planning Division. In 1988, he joined ERG S.p.A., initially involved in the Group reorganization plan, subsequently overseeing the first stage of implementation. From 15 June 1990 to April 2003, Deputy Chairman of ERG S.p.A.. From 20 May 2011 to February 2013, Executive Deputy Chairman of U.C. Sampdoria S.p.A.. From March 2013 to June 2014, Chairman of U.C. Sampdoria S.p.A..
Edoardo Garrone is currently Chairman of the Supervisory Board of San Quirico S.p.A. (Industrial Holding of the Garrone/Mondini Group) and Chairman of the ERG Group. Moreover, Edoardo Garrone currently holds the following positions: Chairman of Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Board Member of Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation; Member of the Governing Board of Assonime; Board Member of Associazione Civita; Board Member of Fondazione Magna Carta; Chairman of the Steering Committee of Gaslininsieme Foundation ETS; Chairman of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A.; member of the Presiding Committee of FIEG (Italian Federation of Daily Newspaper Publishers), Board Member of Sistemi Formativi Confindustria.

Mirja Cartia d’Asero
Mirja Cartia d’Asero is Chief Executive Officer of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. since 27 April 2022 and already a member of the Board of Directors since 23 July 2020.
She has gained significant experience of over 25 years in the finance sector with a particular focus in the real estate sector, first as a lawyer and then as a manager and entrepreneur.
During her first 10 years of career, worked as a lawyer for international law firms in the banking & finance and real estate areas in Italy and London. In the following 12 years, worked for an international investment bank in the real estate finance area.
Since 2015 she has held the role of Co-Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer of a company (ReStar) specialized in NPLs with underlying real estate. In November 2019, ReStar was acquired by Guber Bank, where she was Head of Real Estate.
From 2014 to date, held various roles as an Independent Director in listed companies, covering positions on Board internal committees.
She is currently Independent Director of TECMA Solutions S.p.A., of Clessidra Holding S.p.A., of ZURICH Investments Life S.p.A. - where she also holds the position of Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and Member of the Internal Control and Risks Committee - and of ITALMOBILIARE S.p.A., where she is also Chairman of the Control and Risks Committee, Member of the Sustainability Committee and Member of the Related Parties Committee. She is Board Member of Ansa press agency. She is a member of the General Council of FIEG - Italian Federation of Newspaper Publishers, as well as Managing Director of the Publishing Reform Commission.
Previously, she was an Independent Director of FNM S.p.A., of DAMIANI S.p.A., of PRELIOS S.P.A. and of PRELIOS SGR S.p.A.
Born in Catania on 11/22/1969, she graduated in law at the University of Catania, she obtained the qualification to practice as a lawyer in 1996; subsequently she attended the European Lawyer at the Law Society, the In the Boardroom training program, organized by Linklaters, Egon Zhender and ValoreD. At C.E.O. School obtained the Advanced Training Course for 30 female executives selected for merit, sponsored by GE Capital and Borsa Italiana. She is passionate about sustainability and AI.

Claudia Parzani
Claudia Parzani is Chair of Borsa Italiana S.p.A., Deputy Chair of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. and non-executive director of Stellantis N.V..
A business lawyer with expertise in corporate and corporate governance matters, and in strategy and sustainability, she is a senior advisor at the international law firm Linklaters, where she held significant management positions globally as a long-time partner with the firm. She has gained experience in Italian and international law firms, assisting companies and banks in navigating the most intricate extraordinary transactions. She was Chair of Allianz S.p.A., an external member of the Board of Directors of the Milan Polytechnic, and non-executive director of leading corporations.
A life-long passion for inclusion and social issues, Claudia Parzani is a member of the advisory board of UNHCR Italy, sits on the Scientific Committee of Parks - Liberi e Uguali and chairs the Strategic Board of the non-profit Fondazione Italia per il dono - F.I.Do. She is also founder of Breakfast@Linklaters, a broad network of female business community members and ambassador for Italy of the international "Inspiring Girls" campaign aimed at promoting inclusion and combating stereotypes. As Chair of Valore D, she structured and launched the "In the Boardroom" project alongside other partners, preparing future female board members.
Claudia Parzani is also Vice Chair of the Italian group of the Trilateral Commission and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. She sits on some of the most influential national and international think tanks and some of the leading associations in the Italian business community. She speaks regularly at conferences and workshops on the topics of corporate governance, ESG, economy and finance, leadership, future scenarios, innovation, the job world, D&I, talent, youth and generations.
She has authored articles and publications and contributed to several books. She co-authored with Francesca Isola “Meravigliose Tour guidato all’interno di noi stesse” (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2020), which focuses on gender issues and women's talents, and with Sandro Catani “Si vince solo insieme” (Garzanti, 2022), which outlines the essential tools required to face future challenges in the job world. Most recently, she published “La rivoluzione degli outsider” (Rizzoli, 2024) touching on issues of issues of women and youth talent, the importance of including all diversity (gender and generation), and changes in leadership models.
She sits on many prominent juries and has won numerous awards for her career and ongoing social commitment. "Eminent Practitioner" according to the legal directory Chambers & Partners, "Highly Regarded" and "Woman Leader" according to the legal directory IFLR1000, Claudia Parzani has also been inducted into the "Hall of Fame" of the legal directory Legal500. For the past 8 years, she has been part of the global list of Women Role Models published by HERoes.

Roberta Cocco
Roberta Cocco has been a member of the Board of Directors of Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. since 20 December 2022.
Digital transformation expert, former advisor to the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, Vittorio Colao, in Mario Draghi's government, first Municipal Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services of Milan during Giuseppe Sala’s first term as mayor.
She worked for many years at Microsoft, holding a variety of executive, national and international positions, until serving as Director of the National Plan Development for Western Europe, coordinating technology development initiatives to address social and economic issues in 12 countries, working alongside Government and Capital contacts.
She is an adjunct professor at Bocconi University and LIUC of Castellanza, long committed to civil rights issues, in particular the promotion of gender equality and the dissemination of the value of digital culture among young people, she has conceived and led several national and international initiatives, being part of a number of national and international networks. She is an independent director on a number of Boards.
A graduate from the State University of Milan, she completed her education with numerous courses in Italy and the USA.
In 2010, she was named “Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic” by the President of the Republic.

Diamante Ortensia D'Alessio
Diamante Ortensia d'Alessio has been a member of the Board of Directors of Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. since 27 April 2022.
She has developed considerable experience in over 15 years working in editorial design and in the launch of new magazines and new integrated publishing systems, in coordination with marketing units and advertising agencies.
At RCS MediaGroup, she was Editor-in-Chief, from 2010 to 2018, of the weekly IO Donna, the women's edition of Corriere della Sera, from 2008 to 2018, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Style, the men's edition of Corriere della Sera, and from 2005 to early 2010, Editor-in-Chief of the bimonthly magazine Style Piccoli.
At the Mondadori Group, she coordinated the "Piaceri della vita" section of the weekly Panorama, as Senior Editor of the Central Office, and was Senior Editor of the monthly Flair ever since the planning stage of the magazine.
Since 2018, she has held various positions as a member of the Board of Directors in several companies. Since February 2018, she has been Board Member of CUAMM Medici con l’Africa NGO; since June 2019, member of the Advisory Board of Ryder Cup 2022; since September 2020, Member of the Steering Committee of FIG Federazione Italiana Golf (Italian Golf Federation); since October 2020, Board Member and Partner of Molly Bloom Srl - Academy of Creative Writing; since June 2021, Board Member of Erqole Srl for the development of a luxury hub in Tuscany, where she provides strategic advice on ESG, communication and marketing. Since November 2022 she has been Sole Director of La Capitana, a company of the Erqole S.r.l. group.
Moreover, since January 2018 she has also been a shareholder, with less than 20%, of the publishing house La Nave di Teseo and, since June 2020, she has been collaborating with the publishing house Marsilio for the development of new cultural projects.
Born in London on 15/05/1969, she graduated in Literature, Contemporary History field, at La Sapienza University of Rome, and earned a diploma in photography at IED. She has been listed in the Roll of Journalists of Latium since October 1994. As part of continuing professional education, she attended the In the Boardroom training program in 2020-2021 organized by Valore D in association with Linklaters, Egon Zhender and London Stock Exchange Group; in 2019, the TED The Effective Board course organized by Ned Community and AIDC Milano; in 2018, the "Induction Session for Directors and Statutory Auditors of Listed Companies on ESG" course organized by Assonime-Assogestioni.
In 2016, Arte Sostantivo Femminile, from the National Gallery of Modern Art, and Pavoncella Prize for Female Creativity. In 2015, Ambassador of WE (Women) for EXPO.

Veronica Diquattro
Veronica Diquattro is European President of Consumer Business for Omio, a European traveltech scaleup that manages the world's leading platform for searching, comparing and booking travel by train, bus, plane and ferry.
After having held the role of Chief Revenue Officer Europe of DAZN - leading its growth in Italy, Spain and DACH - in September 2022 she was chosen to fill the new position of CEO Global Markets.
In this role she plays a strategic role in the development of DAZN's global offer and the creation of the offer of sports content for the entire international fanbase, making DAZN the reference partner in the global rights market.
Prior to DAZN, Veronica held the position of Managing Director, Southern and Eastern Europe at Spotify, leading the launch of the music service in Italy and key Latin American markets. Before that, she worked on the launch of Android Market and Google Play in Italy for Google

Chiara Laudanna
General Manager experience as well as Board member responsibilities.
Organization, Digital, Strategy and Operations competencies achieved in over 20 years of experiences in top-tier companies (McKinsey, Vodafone) and in entrepreneurial scale-up (DoveVivo e Retex).
Comfortable with rapid change and willing to make decisions. Big picture mindset (mixing strategic view with people and organization judgement) and an effective attitude to make things happen.
Reliable, motivating and caring leader, recognized by teams for pursuing the most challenging objectives with drive, but also great empathy, taking care of the organization.
2022-today McKinsey & Company Inc, Italy - Partner
2023-today Advisory Board of Sole 24 Ore Formazione
2021-2022 Board Member of Il Sole 24 Ore SpA
2021-2022 Retex SpA - Board Member and Managing Director Operations
2017-2019 DoveVivo SpA - Managing Director
2009-2017 Vodafone Italia
Head of HR Commercial Operations (2015-2017)
Head of Organization, Development, Recruiting (2009-2011 & 2014-2015)
Head of Marketing customer base (2011-2013) – BU Mobile
2002-2009 McKinsey & Company Inc
2018-2019 “In the Boardroom 4.0” – organized by Valore D with Borsa Italiana, GE, Egon
Zehnder and Linklaters
2004-2005 Said Business School – Oxford University
Master in Business Administration
1996-2001 Politecnico di Torino – Ingegneria Gestionale
Management Engineering

Marco Liera
Marco Liera has been a member of the Board of Directors of Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. since 27 April 2022.
Liera is a professional from the insurance training and brokerage industry.
From 1992 to 2010, he was a financial journalist for Il Sole 24 ORE, where he created and was Editor-in-Chief for eight years of the weekly Plus24 dedicated to savers and financial professionals.
He was also founder and director of companies in the education and insurance brokerage fields, gaining expertise in digital, risk management, data management, and corporate governance.
He is currently Managing Partner of Wide Data Management (since 2018), an insurance training and brokerage firm. He has been a financial and insurance trainer since 1993. He has been a consultant to institutional and family wealth managers since 2011.
He was adjunct professor on the degree course in Economic and Social Disciplines (DES) at the Bocconi University of Milan and at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Parma.
He is a regular speaker and lecturer at seminars and conferences for investors and financial and insurance professionals.
He has written and published numerous educational books on finance.
Born in Milan on 19.05.1965, he graduated in Business Administration at the Bocconi University of Milan, and earned the certificate in Real World Risk Management from the Real World Risk Institute in New York, and the certificate in Lifestyle Financial Planning Conference in Birmingham.

Ferruccio Resta
Ferruccio Resta has been a member of the Board of Directors of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. since 27 April 2022 and also Chairman of the Control, Risk and Related Parties Committee and of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
Resta, born in 1968, earned a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 1992..
His academic path led him to become Full Professor of Mechanics applied to Machines in 2004.
In 2007 he was appointed Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and subsequently, in 2011, Delegate for Technology Transfer, a strategic role in the relationship with companies.
In 2017 he became Rector of the Politecnico di Milano.
He was president of the Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (Conference of Italian University Rectors).
He has written more than 300 scientific articles and holds 10 patents.
In the industrial community and in the Italian society, Ferruccio Resta holds various roles.
Beside Il Sole 24 Ore, he is currently on the Board of Directors of Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, Allianz Spa and Fiera Milano.
He also holds the position of Expert Component of the Technical Structure at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
Ferruccio Resta is President of the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and of the National Center for Sustainable Mobility MOST.
In 2019, he was appointed “Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana”.

Alexander John Ross
Alec Ross has been a member of the Board of Directors of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. since 27 April 2022.
He is Distinguished Visiting Professor at Università di Bologna Business School and a New York Times best-selling author. He is the author of the recently published The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People and the Fight for Our Future. His prior book The Industries of the Future has been translated into 24 languages and been a best-seller on 5 continents.
He is a Board Partner at Amplo, a global venture capital firm and sits on the board of directors or advisors for companies in the fields of technology, finance, education, human capital and cybersecurity.
In the course of his career, Alec Ross was Visiting Professor at King's College in London; Distinguished Senior Fellow at Johns Hopkins University; Senior Fellow at Columbia University in the City of New York; Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State at U.S. Department of State; Project Manager & Team Member of the Technology, Innovation & Government Reform Policy Group of the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team; Member of the Convener, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Policy Committee of Barak Obama; Co-Founder of One Economy Corporation (non profit organization); Regular and special education 6th-grade teacher at Booker T. Washington Middle School in Baltimore City Public School System.
He is currently on the Board of Directors of LegalPad, Jobbatical, Kudelski Group, Telerivet, Baltimore Community Foundation, Bologna Business School.
Ross, born in West Virginia (U.S.A.) on 11/30/1971, earned a Bachelor's degree in History at Northwestern University.
- Named one of Top 100 Global Thinkers by Foreign PolicyMagazine
- U.S. Department of State Distinguished Honor Award
- Oxford University Internet & Society Award
- Huffington Post’s one of the 10 Game Changers in Politics
- Tribeca Film Festival Disruptive Innovation Award

Gianmario Verona
Gianmario Verona has been a member of the Board of Directors of Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. since 20 December 2022.
Full Professor of Business Economics and Management, he focuses his research, teaching and advisorship work on strategic and organizational management of technology and innovation. Since July 2022, he has been President of the Supervisory Board of Fondazione Human Technopole, the institution located in Milan's MIND district and aimed at basic research on personalized and preventive medicine.
Gianmario Verona was Rector of Bocconi University during the six-year period 2016-2022. Over the years, he has worked with numerous Global500 companies, SMEs and startups.
Each committee has its own organisational regulations. The regulations can be consulted on the page Ethics and Compliance.