Franco Moscetti and Massimo Colombo reshape the organizational model of the 24 ORE Group.


Massimo Colombo, General Sales Manager of the 24 ORE Group, a few months after joining the Group and together with CEO Franco Moscetti, has reshaped the organizational structure, setting up a new skill-based organizational model hinged on specialization by media, with the integrated management of advertising, and on cross-media development functions servicing all the areas: a model functional to the important goals set in the new phase of development of the 24 Ore Group, following completion of the capital increase.

Specifically, the three Departments at the head of DAILY NEWSPAPER - RADIO - DIGITAL operations have been refashioned to shorten the chain between publisher and advertising agency and to bring publishing and advertising under one single responsibility. Accordingly, the Daily Newspaper Marketing, Sales and Advertising Department, led by Michele Filippini, develops the offering and the profitability growth of the products, related products and information services provided by the Newspaper, including advertising operations. The Department also oversees the distribution, direct subscription sales and marketing of the Newspaper’s magazines.

The Digital Marketing & Advertising Department, led by Luca Paglicci, manages, develops and harmonizes the digital online operations of the Group's publishing and advertising business, the relating advertising sales policies and e-commerce sales. The Department also contributes to launching new digital business solutions in the publishing and advertising fields.

The Radio Marketing & Advertising Department, led by Fausto Amorese, is responsible for increasing audience ratings, advertising sales, profitability of on-air initiatives and for strengthening the radio network.

The new Business & Media Development Department, led by Pierfrancesco Caria and working alongside the three Publishing Departments, is tasked, on the one hand, with developing new businesses, promoting the innovation and customization of publishing and advertising products and services and, on the other, with overseeing the management and development, from a service perspective, of customer care, of business data management (business intelligence analysis, analytics and service direct marketing), of market research and analysis, of product communication on media, and of special events.