Theme chosen for 18° edition of Festival dell’Economia di Trento:"THE FUTURE OF THE FUTURE. The challenges of a new world"The theme will be debated from 25 to 28 May 2023 in Trento by economists,

On the wave of the success of the latest edition of Festival dell’Economia di Trento, managed by the 24 ORE Group and Trentino Marketing on behalf of the Trento institutions, and after the announcement of the new 2023 dates set from 25 to 28 May, the organizers of the historic festival today announced the theme of the 18° edition of the Festival: "The Future of the Future. The challenges of a new world”.
“Amid pandemic, war, energy and climate emergency, disruption of world geopolitical balances and questioning of Western democracies, the world has changed”, explains Festival dell’Economia di Trento Scientific Committee Chairman Fabio Tamburini, Editor-in-Chief of Il Sole 24 Ore. "And the future also calls upon us to reflect and debate to understand the future guidelines of change by identifying the challenges of the new world. An opportunity to do so will be the 4 days in Trento at the end of next May, graced by the presence of personalities from the spheres of the economy, academia, politics, and civil society. At the forefront, the young generations, who are eager more than others to lay a solid foundation on which to build their future".
The 2022 edition of Festival dell’Economia di Trento, which saw the 24 ORE Group for the first time together with Trentino Marketing as organizers on behalf of the Autonomous Province of Trento and with the contribution of the Municipality of Trento and the University of Trento, amped up the city for four days with over 600 speakers in 228 scheduled events of the Festival, "Fuori Festival" (new in 2022), “Economie dei Territori”, “Incontri con l’autore” and live events on Radio 24. 66 of these events were live streamed by the dedicated online platform, which recorded more than 100,000 active users following the events in streaming and on demand during the days of the event. A great success in terms of physical attendance with long queues to enter the halls and Trento’s accommodations facilities fully booked, as declared by the Trento Tourist Board ahead of the closing of the festival. Visitors ranged from the multitude of families coming also from outside Trentino, to the hordes of youngsters, many university students, others from high-school institutes.