SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 2021 - JUNE 2022Radio 24 is the first Italian radio station with a schedule that mixes live and on demand broadcasts from a multichannel perspective.Radio 24 offers a narrativ




























Radio 24 is the first Italian radio station to offer a combined schedule of on-air and on-demand productions, also expanding the range of original podcasts with new content, available both on the Radio website and on all major platforms. Against this backdrop, the new autumn schedule of Radio 24 kicks off with the aim of offering trustworthy information and a quality narrative on the new challenges, the new everyday life and the changes that are taking place across Italy, a Country that is getting back on its feet and restarting amid signs of recovery and encouraging prospects. A closer look at the digital transformation and sustainability that will mark the recovery and a journey across the Country through the newscasts and reports from the editorial staff “Le Italie del post covid”, collecting the stories of a Country that is back to growth after the pandemic crisis. Among the new features, a dash of light-heartedness brought by the entry of personalities that help us draw a smile in the narration of everyday life.


Personalities such as Enrico Bertolino with a double show, Sostiene Bertolino, on Fridays at 1.20 pm inside Effetto giorno and on Sunday mornings from 9.00 to 10.00 inside Si può fare, to understand what are the real positive notes of the week in the news and in sustainability, with his humorous twist. And more room for irony in Uno, Nessuno 100 Milan with a greater presence of Leonardo Manera together with Alessandro Milan (Monday-Friday from 9.00 to 11.00).

Gianluca Nicoletti’s Melog (at 12.00) will also have a new slot “Alla ricerca del nuovo equilibrio” to explore how some of our lifestyles are changing. And then Matteo Caccia’s new narrative format Matteo Caccia racconta. Storie di rinascita’ (at 3 p.m.) will use storytelling to bring compelling cases of people who have managed to pick themselves up and start over.

Additionally, greater and greater attention to engines and the automotive field with the new daily slot Smart car by Massimo De Donato on air from 9.45 p.m.: since the 4-wheel industry is one of those that most needs to face the new challenges of sustainability and green transition, Radio 24 has decided to take a closer look at the new developments, trends, models and changes taking place in the automotive world.

Another new feature is the entry, after years with RAI, of Francesco Adinolfi: Radio 24 enriches its musical selection every Sunday, from 7.15 to 8.00 p.m., with Ultrapop, a programme that ties the history of pop music to that of the Country starting from its rebirth years.


Innovation is the name of the game of the new multi-channel integrated listening modes mixing live and on demand, where the broadcasts on air in the traditional schedule are supplemented by original podcasts. Among the main new broadcasts, 24Mattino, fronted by Simone Spetia, will finish off the week with an original podcast, Una cosa per volta, digging deeper into one of the topics covered on the air from among those rated the most interesting by listeners. 2024, the tech weekly by Enrico Pagliarini, adds instead a daily slot in Podcast mode only, Digital News, le notizie di 2024, with topical information from the tech world in and outside of Italy.

La Variante Parenzo, the original podcast with the daily analysis by David Parenzo, one of the Zanzara hosts, remains a staple on the schedule.

Padrieterni, the weekly programme by Federico Taddia addressed to fathers, will explore the world of children with an original podcast, with a narrative on the Italy of tomorrow with Next Generation: stories of young people who stand out in the field of music, sport, and research, and who will represent the image of our Country in the coming years.

On top of all this, a fully multichannel product: Il Serpente Corallo Social Club, with a short broadcast aired on Sunday morning, with a development on demand, with tips from Sole 24 Ore journalists Mauro Meazza, Marco Lo Conte and Stefano Elli on how to spot and possibly avoid the daily scams both large and small, or the "coral snakes" that are always lurking to sink their teeth into our savings.

And again in multichannel mode, the programmes of the schedule expand, also with in-depth analysis off the air through digital round tables and events.