Radio 24 turns 25 on 4 October


Launch of project involving listeners in creating “La trasmissione che non c’è

Listeners can submit their concept by 20 July 2024

The chosen author receives €10,000. The programme will be included in Radio 24's 2025 schedule

It’s party time on 4 October 2024 for Radio 24! And it's party time with all its listeners! It is turning 25 and is preparing to celebrate by involving listeners in a new project to enrich its schedule, with the production of a brand new radio programme that they would like to hear on their favourite station, involving them in its creation.

Following the remarkable success of Crealogo, which garnered over 45,000 projects for Radio 24's 20th anniversary, engaging listeners in designing the station's new logo and claim, this year Radio 24 is preparing to celebrate its quarter-century with a new and exciting initiative: the launch of the new concept, again involving listeners to collaboratively create with Radio 24 a new programme that does not yet exist, “La trasmissione che non c’è”. A dedicated mini-site linked to the initiative will gather the concepts and original ideas. The chosen author will receive €10,000 and the new programme will be included in Radio 24's 2025 schedule.

Participants can register using the form on the page following the guidelines and respecting the maximum character limit for each field. Each participant may submit only one proposal no later than 20 July 2024.

Specifically, the concept of “Trasmissione che non c’è” must include: title of the radio broadcast (maximum 100 characters, spaces included); brief introduction (maximum 500 characters, spaces included); description of the idea, highlighting strengths and reasons why the project should be chosen by the jury (maximum 1500 characters, spaces included); one-word theme identifying the theme area; structure, the outline of the broadcast (maximum 1000 characters, spaces included); target audience (maximum 250 characters, spaces included); social media approach (maximum 1000 characters, spaces included).

For participation purposes, listeners' projects should not include trademarks and/or distinctive signs associated with third parties. However, projects must be relevant to the proposed theme and must be new, original, and unpublished, never having been aired on other national, local, or royalty-free radio stations.

An internal jury comprising key figures from Radio 24 and the 24 ORE Group will assess the submitted proposals and choose the most promising idea to develop into a new Radio 24 programme, slated to be introduced in the 2025 schedule.

The chosen author will have the opportunity to join the Radio 24 team, contribute to the programme's development, and receive a contract worth a total of €10,000.

The initiative ‘La trasmissione che non c’è’ is open to all listeners. All rules and information are accessible on the Radio 24 website.

Good ideas are meant to be shared and aired.