
Sunday 13 September marks the launch of the new Sunday schedule of Radio 24 with lots of new features and top personalities, because Radio 24 makes it a whole different Sundayto feast your ears on: more engaging, more entertaining, more interactive and richer.

Featuring Giovanni Minoli, Gianluca Nicoletti, Enrico Ruggeri, Gegè TelesforoArmando Torno, plus Alessio Maurizi,

Pino Insegno, Maria Latella, Rosita Celentano, Pierluigi Pardo and so many others to make it a truly different Sunday.



Radio 24 makes it a whole different Sunday!

Two years at the helm of Radio 24, and after beefing up the Monday-Friday schedule, director Roberto Napoletano now offers a whole new Sunday menu.

Radio 24 makes it a whole different Sunday isn’t just a catchphrase - explains Director of Radio 24 and Managing Editor of the 24 ORE Group Roberto Napoletano - Our ambition is to repeat with Radio 24 what Il Sole 24 Ore did more than thirty years ago with Sole’s 'Domenica’: to offer a different, exclusive way of living leisure. Which explains the new line-up of stellar veterans and new voices ready to take to the pitch and reward listeners with a Sunday that helps them think, reflect without getting bored and enjoy the most wonderful voices of cinema, fine music, top current issues, the grand tale of History, tips from working women on how to tackle daily challenges, to finish off with a special trial on football Italians just can’t miss on a Sunday".


Giovanni Minoli, Gianluca Nicoletti, Enrico Ruggeri, Gegè Telesforo, Armando Torno, plus Alessio Maurizi, Pino Insegno, Maria Latella, Rosita Celentano and Pierluigi Pardo will spice up Radio 24’s new Sunday schedule starting 13 September. A different Sunday with entertaining, thought-provoking, engaging and energizing features. Far from the clichés, commonplaces, bombastic information and empty words, to take listeners on a journey across story-telling, imagination, sounds and narration. Without forgetting sport, great cinema and music.


Radio 24’s new afternoon is fully live: at 14.30, the schedulekicks off with an imaginary journey through all the worlds you can build by listening to a voice. A journey through the most beautiful voices of world cinema and Italian television led by Pino Insegno withVoice Anatomy. Viaggio nei mondi della voce: from cinema to daily life through all the scenarios you can create with the most widely used and useful communication tool in the world.

At 17.00, right after, it’s time for commentary on the matches of the day with Giovanni CapuanoCarlo Genta and Pierluigi Pardo in Tutti Convocati week end. A “trial” on matches where football and the players are dissected with the signature irony and expertise of Radio 24, a space open to listeners’ views and to outspoken discussion which spares no one. A slot not to be missed to experience Sunday football and truly grasp the game.




Radio 24 has lots of new stuff in store on Sunday morning too: starting at 10.00 with Maria Latella in Nessuna è perfetta, viaggio dentro i luoghi non comuni dell’universo femminile, the very first Italian radio broadcast that casts a spotlight on working women. Dodging the usual clichés, the programme offers tricks and tips from successful women through interviews and news analysis, to know what to do and what not to say. And to not take ourselves too seriously and smile a bit because it’s Sunday morning after all!

At 12.oo, on the heels of the huge success enjoyed in the summer schedule, the autumn programming brings the coveted staple with our four-legged friends: Rosita Celentano and Angelo Vaira in Chiedimi se sono felice. Il mondo dalla prospettiva del cane, a look at the lives of our dogs peppered with gags, laughs, insights and a few tears of emotion.

At 13.00 comes another new feature with Filippo Astone in Fabbrica 2.4. Viaggio nell'industria che cambia, Radio 24’s programme on the real economy, where the star of the show is industry, the making of tangible objects, from microchips to steel derivatives and from screws to paint. Trying to understand what lies ahead.


Radio 24’s Sunday line-up presents staples such as Mix 24 – La storia, fronted by Giovanni Minoli on air at 20.00, which sheds a light on the key events in Italian and international history through original audio content and first-hand witnesses, the true and imaginary tales of lives in transit in Il Treno va with Gianluca Nicoletti at 11.00, the unrevealed stories of extraordinary lives with Enrico Ruggeri in Il Falco e il Gabbiano at 14.00, jazz music brought by Gegè Telesforo in Sound Check at 19.00La zanzara Extra at 23.30 with Giuseppe Cruciani and Davide Parenzo and at 8.30 Si può fare.Cronache da un paese migliore with Alessio Maurizi and Carlo Gabardini.

Complementing the Sunday schedule, the broadcasts crafted by Radio 24’s staff: 2024, Olympia, Voci d’Impresa, Essere e Avere, La prima volta, plus the insightful perspective on classical musical andbooks with Musica Maestro with Armando Torno and Un libro tira l’altro with Salvatore Carrubba.


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