"Quality of Life" turns 30 and becomes a year-long path in stages


"Quality of Life", the ranking drawn up every year by the Monday edition of Il Sole 24 Ore on the Italian provinces boasting the best quality of life, turns 30 in 2019. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of this year-end time-honoured fixture, Il Sole 24 Ore has devised a project that complements the initiative, transforming it into a path that plays out throughout the year with a series of theme editorial stages closing in December with a final report celebrated with a grand finale.


The first stage is published in the Monday edition of Il Sole 24 Ore on 25 March and looks at the climate changes affecting Italy. An unprecedented survey in the 2008-2018 city-by-city analysis, which will be taken into account for the first time ever in the historical index at year end, showing how global warming has now become a harsh reality of our daily lives.

The climate indicator is not the only new feature in the 2019 edition of “Quality of Life” of Il Sole 24 Ore; for the occasion, it will feature richer content with new lines of investigation and an updated approach to provide a sharper picture of the changes taking place in our Country.


The long-standing annual survey of Il Sole 24 Ore on the "Quality of Life", which covers well-being from an economic, environmental, social, demographic, safety and life perspective, was released for the first time on Monday, 1 October 1990; the making of the dossier back then already heralded, with the advent of the Internet and of digital databases, a new pillar of information: data journalism, i.e., social and economic phenomena read by crunching a huge amount of numbers, statistics and comparisons.

Thanks to today's technological tools, “Quality of Life” of Il Sole 24 Ore has for several years now expressed its best through its enhanced digital rendition, offering on Sole24Ore.com interactive graphics created by Lab24, the data and visual journalism section of the Il Sole 24 Ore website that “looks at" facts through numbers.


To learn more: http://lab24.ilsole24ore.com/indice-del-clima