Partner 24 Ore Consulenti del Lavoro, launch of super network of skills 


Partner 24 ORE Consulenti del Lavoro is the new exclusive service developed by Il Sole 24 Ore and dedicated to those labour law and personnel administration professionals who wish to introduce and share their skills and engage with highly qualified colleagues and companies to increase their network of contacts and improve their knowledge, in order to offer a wider range of services to the market. Partner 24 ORE Consulenti del Lavoro allows visibility and qualification vis-à-vis colleagues, clients and the market. Access to the exclusive network enables the professionals to highlight their profile using the 24 ORE Group media and the distinguished reputation of the brand.


Among the pluses of the network, the possibility of accessing the skills showcased by all the Professionals of the other 24 ORE Partner networks (Lawyers and Accountants), and of accessing the exclusive services provided by the Business Partners of the network (hyper-specialists in complementary fields to those of the Professional Partners Consulenti del Lavoro); participating in the exclusive webinars organized for the Partners, held by the 24 ORE Group Experts or by the Business Partners; participating in all the activities organized by Partner 24 ORE to facilitate the creation of relationships and partnerships; exchanging views and experiences with colleagues belonging to the network.


Access to the network is subject to the presentation of case studies that showcase the experience gained. 4CLegal, a company specialized in the planning and implementation of innovative projects in the market of professions, is the exclusive technical partner that manages the accreditation of potential partners of the network. Each Firm can identify the area of expertise it specializes in and for which it seeks accreditation inside the network.


Being part of Partner 24 ORE Consulenti del Lavoro also means gaining visibility through a communication plan developed across the main media of the 24 ORE Group.


For further information