NUOVO RISPARMIO. A practical guide on managing your moneyA savings education series authored by Sole 24 Ore journalists out on newsstands every Thursday with the Daily.


A savings education tool that stems from the practical needs of citizens-savers, to guide them in their daily decisions and offer insightful advice on making the most informed choices. This is the mission of "Nuovo Risparmio", the series written by Sole 24 Ore journalists: a 12-part practical guide out on newsstands every Thursday with the Daily.

To avoid making the wrong investments, you should understand what not to have best in your portfolio, what you need to know from your product adviser, and what you have to check in a prospectus. The twelve booklets forming the "Nuovo risparmio" Sole 24 Ore series offer practical and actionable advice on a number of different financial aspects that are part, however, of everyday life: buying a home, taking out a loan, setting aside money for your pension, managing a car, choosing an insurance policy, and investing in art. As well as on how technology changes the investment/savings world, how to defend yourself against scams, how to choose an adviser, the tax implications of investing, how to invest to maximize tax benefits and, last but not least, how to file a complaint if something goes wrong.

Additionally, direct engagement with readers and listeners is an important tool of the series: two mailboxes, one for Il Sole 24 Ore readers and one for Radio 24 listeners, collect a series of questions that will be dealt with in the 12 booklets, with dedicated insights and direct answers to the questions to tackle the savers’ financial problems in the most straightforward way.

The insights may also be followed on Il Sole 24 Ore’s social channels - Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter - through the #nuovorisparmio hashtag. The aim is to foster an ongoing and constructive dialogue on various fronts on issues touching an increasingly wide audience.

The booklets forming the “Nuovo risparmioseries are out on newsstands every Thursday until 15 February at the cost of €0.50 plus the price of the Daily.