
Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor, the press agency of the 24 ORE Group, unveils its new logo: the hallmarks of the new internally developed brand are the use of the Sole Serif font and the adoption of a graphical element, the colon. As in punctuation, this element evokes the key mission of the time-honoured news agency: to explain and clarify the facts.

The new look goes hand in hand with a greater information offering through increased coverage of the real economy, of particular interest to financial operators, as well as to businesses and public administration.

On the content front, the new features regard the Radiocor Plus real-time news report, split up into seven theme areas, offering information tailored to client needs.

ENERGY, FOOD, REAL ESTATE, LOCAL AUTHORITIES & PA, INFRASTRUCTURE, HEALTH, LAW FIRMS: these are the focus areas of Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor, where it provides swift and comprehensive information on macroeconomic indicators, trends, scenarios, as well as news from the political and legislative world.

The editorial wealth of the 24 ORE Group press agency is further enhanced: alongside the Radiocor Plus News Report and the World News Report in English, it offers RCO finance, with the spotlight on the world of finance, Breaking news, with real-time coverage of the business-financial day, and Videonews, with six daily broadcasts and weekly analysis by industry experts on the main events from the business and stock market scene. Forex news will be provided also through Radio24 with a series of links from Modena.

An outstanding production of over 600 news items a day in Italian and over 200 news items in English: thanks to its international partnerships, the News Reports are distributed on hundreds of terminals in over 190 countries, making the Radiocor Agency the first and only Italian news agency to boast huge visibility abroad.

The suite of solutions is completed by a number of tailored editorial products: theme news reports, newsletters, books, magazines, house organs, video news, video interviews, communication of the period results of publicly-traded companies, news and content for websites and portals, editorial and communication action to support events.