
Just turned 17, Radio 24 is ready to rethink its image with a new Visual Identity and a new brand line. The decision to renew the logo reflects the gradual evolution of the product, while staying true to its distinctive high-quality core values.

The first and only "news&talk" broadcaster in Italy, Radio 24 has steadily added new languages, sounds and storytelling strengths to its schedule, passionately committed to informing its audience, and offering a multi-theme programming that spans from current affairs to culture, from sport to the economy, and from employment to health. Leveraging on a team of top-notch journalists and hosts, today Radio 24 is a reactive and proactive broadcaster. It keeps pace of events as they happen, offering news, commentary and analysis, and feeding its listeners with daily reflections, intellectual nourishment, and irony, remaining faithful to its distinctive hallmarks of expertise and professionalism.

The path of ongoing enrichment of new content and new languages ​​runs alongside the renewal of the brand identity of Radio 24, to reflect the energy, the facets and the multiplicity of its voices and opinions, including the audience, from every age group, called to take an active part in the programmes.

Radio 24’s new logo is the brainchild of Landor Milan (WPP Group). It draws inspiration from the symbol of Jupiter, one of the main planets in our Solar System. As Jupiter, Radio 24 is an important "planet" in the “Sole” System, a primary source of information, easily accessible, brimming with perspectives, and a premier source for a high target population.

What’s more, the multitude of world cultures have always likened Jupiter to positive concepts: growth, expansion, high intents and ideals, inclination towards freedom and exploration. In this view, the new Radio 24 logo conveys openness, initiative and dedication, on which the radio leverages every day to inform listeners on the events taking place around the world, with its distinctive original and compelling style.

The new Brand Line, “Unleash your initiative", accompanies the Radio 24’s new logo to express its Mission: to inform and engage an active audience, offering new food for thought to tackle everyday life and look to the future.