21 March 2007

Motta editoria cultura debuts with “werner bischof immagini”

Motta Editoria Cultura
Il Sole 24 ORE Group
Milan, 21 March 2007 – During presentation of the catalogue that accompanies the great Werner Bischof Immagini exhibition at Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia from 1 April to 27 May 2007, Claudio Calabi, C.E.O. of Il Sole 24 ORE, and Federico Motta, C.E.O. of Federico Motta Editore, introduced Motta Editoria Cultura – Il Sole 24 Ore Group in a meeting held this morning at the headquarters of the newspaper.
Motta Editoria Cultura is the new name of Arti Grafiche Motta, the company in which Il Sole 24 Ore acquired a majority share in December 2006.  Angelo Menegatti is the company’s Chairman, Salvatore Carrubba is its Vice President and Federico Motta is the Chief Executive Officer.
For the Il Sole 24 ORE Group, the acquisition represents confirmation of a long commitment to culture, which began in 1993 with the launch of the arts and culture magazine included in the Sunday edition. That initiative, which created a following of loyal and faithful readers, is now being followed by entry into the cultural-activities publishing sector of which Motta is the undisputed leader in Italy and abroad thanks to its decades of experience. For Federico Motta Editore, the operation represents the development of its current business, and the strengthening and internationalisation of its publishing brands.
The business of Motta Editoria Cultura – Il Sole 24 ORE Group will focus on the sectors of art, photography and large exhibitions, branded Federico Motta Editore. The alliance between the two historic names in Italian publishing will make it possible to develop new lines with a view to promoting themes of political, economic and social events, reinforced by the presence of an important and significant brand as Libri Scheiwiller, whose business (literature, essays, poetry) will be assisted by a publishing committee formed by Alfonso Berardinelli, Salvatore Carrubba, Vincenzo Trione and Federico Motta.
For more information:
Aurelio Arrigo - Director of Communication and Institutional Relations
Ginevra Cozzi - Product Press Office 
Tel. 02/3022.4945
Natalina Costa - Director of Press Office and Exhibitions
Michela Beretta and Giulia Zanichelli – Press Office
Tel. 02 30076.223 – 02 30076.255