More customization, more updates, more services.The L'Esperto Risponde website of Sole 24 Ore gets revamped and offers a richer and more interactive experience

More customized, more up-to-date, more interactive, more reliable: the "L'Esperto Risponde” website, the longstanding Sole 24 Ore Q&A feature, gets revamped to offer its users an experience increasingly tailored to their needs through new services and features that allow them to choose the proposal best suited to their requirements, receiving a targeted answer, by leveraging on a wealth of answers that are always current.
Several new features have been introduced to the platform with the new paid model, which complements the free one.
Registered users can always search the archive for free queries by keyword or topic, with the possibility of viewing up to two answers per month; they can continue to submit, again free of charge, their own queries with no guarantee of an answer. Additionally, they can receive updates on all the stages of query processing through notifications on the site and by e-mail, and interact with experts - whose resumes can be read - if they need to clarify the subject of the query.
Those who choose to register to the new subscription offer, will instead be given access to portions of the archive organized into 9 theme areas - environment and safety, law, economic law, finance and savings, tax, real estate, employment and pensions, public administration, economic sectors (Bronze and Silver Offers) or to the entire archive (Gold Offer), alongside the possibility of purchasing a package of queries (from 1 to 10) with a guaranteed answer within 72 working hours from acceptance of the request. Subscribers can also view previous versions of an answer to a query if it has been updated; request confirmation of the validity of an answer with an older date; receive notification if their query has been updated; access the "I tuoi quesiti" section of the personal area to view the history of their queries and their answers; and save favourites in the personal area.
In addition to the Sole 24 Ore website, the Esperto Risponde archive remains available within the databases (either complete or limited to subject area depending on the reference product) and will continue to be updated as new issues are released.
For further information on the L’Esperto Risponde platform: