Launch of Dichiarazioni24: a single digital system combining streamed events and databases


The 24 ORE Group's Professional Area continues to press full steam ahead on the digital innovation front with the new series of online constant updating systems with an operational slant launched between end 2018 and the start of 2019: instant databases promptly created in response to regulatory developments and to give lightning fast answers to the practical needs of professionals, capable of synergizing the entire information world of the 24 ORE Group. If in November 2018 - in a context of overwhelming change and adaptation for accountants, businesses and VAT-registered self-employed professionals on entry into force of the Electronic Invoicing system - the Area had successfully launched E-FATTURA24, February 2019 was the turn of CONDONI24, Sole 24 Ore’s online constant updating system that guides professionals and businesses through the new round of tax amnesties. The time has now come for DICHIARAZIONI24: a new professional information and constant updating tool dedicated to tax returns for businesses and the population of VAT-registered self-employed professionals.

A single digital system that comprises an online meeting, eight events with Telefisco experts that will continue up to the end of the year, a database with articles, insights and documents. Plus the possibility of engaging with the writers of the Daily.


Dichiarazioni24 will be available online from 23 May and will enable users to watch the streamed (or catch-up) coverage of the online meeting scheduled on 30 May, which will be graced by the presence of experts from the Daily, representatives from the Accountants’ Association and the Revenue Agency, as well as the next eight events attended by experts from Il Sole 24 Ore, each of which is dedicated to a particular facet of the tax return season: businesses, individuals, payments and so forth. Each meeting will be attended by two speakers, who will address as many specific topics with a report, delving into the novelties of practice and case law and providing answers to the main doubts raised by subscribers.


Dichiarazioni24 subscribers can also access the database content, which will be updated through to 31 December this year, containing instructions from our contributors drawn from the tax return volumes of the 24 ORE Group (with images taken from the relating forms); commentary articles taken from newsstand dossiers and Settimana Fiscale; official documentation (regulations and practice); queries from l’Esperto Risponde and from the databases archives; news from Quotidiano del Fisco; tools/spreadsheets and simulations.


For information on the 30 May meeting:


For further information on Dichiarazioni24: