3 October 2011

“La Vita Nòva” awarded the Prix Möbius.

“La Vita Nòva”, the digital magazine of Il Sole 24 ORE, conceived and designed specifically for the iPad, won the “Prix Möbius for multimedia publishing as the best magazine in Italian on tablet”, conferred Saturday evening at Lugano during the 15° edition of the Möbius Multimedia Lugano Award, organized by the Municipality of Lugano and the Swiss TV and Radio Broadcasting Corporation, under the patronage of Prix Möbius International.

After reaching the final with other heavyweights in Italian multimedia publishing on tablet such as R7 from Repubblica and Tuttolibri from La Stampa, “La Vita Nòva” received the prize, in the words of jury president Derrick de Kerckhove, «for its ground-breaking experience in the field and its ability to best leverage, with its rich content and harmonious graphics, on the features of the tablet interface».

An international acknowledgement which honours, first and foremost, the remarkable work of the staff. Ever since its first issue, Luca De Biase and the journalists of the team from Nòva24 – the Il Sole 24 ORE weekly on research and innovation – together with the in-house graphical design office of Il Sole 24 Ore, with its hands-on involvement throughout the project, have strived to create a native product for the iPad whose mission is to explore in each issue the potentials of the new “medium”. 

So in October 2010, the editorial staff embarked on a journey to discover the new language of information on tablet. A journey during which it has experimented, from the very first issue, alternative forms of writing, in the second, new forms of reading, in the third, new opportunities that the evolution of writing on tablet can offer to the narrative art of comics. 

Besides exploring the opportunities offered by technology, the e-magazine’s staff also exposes the visions and the accomplishments of entrepreneurs, researchers and artists, and covers the novelties coming from science, seeking a gateway for building the future, and presenting a truly original and fascinating reading experience – both compelling and interactive – through words that generate images, charts that come to life, videos, games and interactive tests, the chance to share and comment the articles on the Internet and on social networks, with a wide range of access points to services and information.

The multimedia narrative on the frontiers of science, innovation and technology presented by “La Vita Nòva” has received a warm response from the public, reaching over 28,000 downloads.

“We are thrilled for having achieved such a prestigious international acknowledgement – said Karen Nahum, Director of the Online Daily Business Unit - Digital Area of the 24 ORE Group, receiving the prize at Lugano - as it rewards the 24 ORE Group’s commitment to covering all the new media frontiers, ranging from tablets to smartphones. It also proves how important it is to continue along this path to gain appreciation from the public and from investors”.

“La Vita Nòva” can be downloaded free from the App Store at:http://itunes.apple.com/it/app/id395924638?mt=8#

For further information: 
Ginevra Cozzi, Press Office Manager 24 ORE Group
Tel. 02-3022.4945