IL SOLE 24 ORE S.p.A.: special shareholders' meeting

Milan, 7 November 2008 – Today, the meeting of the special shareholders of Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. convened under the chairmanship of Cav. Lav. Dr. Giancarlo Cerutti.

The meeting appointed Prof. Angelo Miglietta as common representative of the special shareholders for the 2008-2009-2010 financial years (Prof. Miglietta’s CV is attached to this press release).

The meeting also set up an expense account required to protect the common interests of special shareholders, amounting to €10,000/year.

For further information:

Il Sole 24 ORE Press Office:
Ginevra Cozzi - Tel. 02/3022.1 –

Fabio Marando – Tel.02/48000250 –

Auditor - Full Professor of Business Administration
Expert witness (n. 8155) for the Court of Milan
Auditor - Full Professor of Business AdministrationExpert witness (n. 8155) for the Court of Milan

Born in Casale Monferrato, on 21.10.1961
Resident in Milan, via Clerici, 13
Full professor of business administration, Faculty of Law, University of Turin
Professional firm in Milan, via Ciovassino, 3A
Tel. 02 – 36566046 Fax. 02 – 36567016 Mobile 328 9571096
Foreign languages: fluent English, good German, spoken Spanish and French

  • Degree in Business Administration, Corporate Finance branch, L. Bocconi University, 110/110 cum laude.
  • Specialization course in marketing and strategies, Stanford University, California (Marketing Management Program: a Strategic Perspective).
  • Scientific, high-school diploma, 60/60, Technical-business institute diploma, 60/60.

At present:

  • Secretary-General of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino
  • Secretary-General of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita - CRT
  • Owner of a business consulting and auditing firm in Milan, via Ciovassino 3/A, specialized in issues related to finance, corporate evaluation, extraordinary finance operations and corporate governance.
  • Listed in the Roll of Auditors, n. 38258 (State Gazette n. 31 bis, April 21, 1995).
  • Expert witness (n. 8155) for the Court of Milan.
  • Listed in the board of arbitrators of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan.
  • Member of Company Boards and Boards of Auditors of listed and non-listed companies, and of companies operating in the financial, banking and insurance fields, including:
    • Board member and President of the Internal Control Committee of Esprinet S.p.A. (Listed).
    • Board member of Realty Vailog S.p.A. (Listed).
    • Statutory auditor of Atlantia S.p.A. (Listed).
    • Chairman of the Board of Auditors of Nomura Italia Sim p.A.
    • Statutory auditor of Axa Partecipazioni S.p.A. and of Axa Carlink S.p.A. (Axa insurance group).
    • Board member of Fondazione Mazzotta, Milan.
    • Member of the Investment Committee of CHINA OPPORTUNITY S.A. SICAR.
    • Statutory auditor of Oltre Gestioni S.r.L. Sapa.
    • Board member of F2I S.g.R. (Infrastructures Fund).
    • Member of the boards of directors of the Bindi group (confectionery).
    • Member of the boards of auditors of the Bertola group (logistics).

At present

  • Full Professor of Business Administration, Faculty of Law, University of Turin. Professorship in corporate governance and finance.
  • Director of CESFIL – Centro Studi di Finanza per le applicazioni giuridiche (Centre of Studies in Finance and Law), University of Turin.
    Use of personal data is hereby authorized under Legislative Decree 196/03


English translation by CAP Q (Capital Quality Translations)