Il Sole 24 Ore presents the new content hub on the world of Financewith more content and new formats Launch of new page even richer and more organized to meet all the inf

There is great turmoil on the finance front: for this reason, Il Sole 24 Ore, the daily and real-time guide on the complexity of the global and multimedia world, decodes the changes taking place through a new destination hub of the 24 ORE Group's content dedicated to Finance: will be the single main access point, a completely revamped page offering a unique view of the world of finance thanks to the newspaper's in-depth analysis, data from the markets, real-time information from Radiocor, contributions from Radio 24, and personal finance trends and pointers from the editorial staff of Plus24, the weekly Saturday insert of Il Sole 24 Ore dedicated to savings and asset management.
News, analysis and scenarios, data on the performance of international stock markets, insights into hot topics such as sustainability, fintech and real estate, cryptocurrencies, the new trend of NFTs, and a close look at the financial education front.
As well as new formats (infographics, podcasts, visual content, video series and video forums) and a wide range of tools: the single allowance and pension calculator; for home and university expenses; for calculating mortgages and loans.
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