22 January 2008

Il Sole 24 ORE Group at Arte Fiera Art First

Bologna, 24 January 2008 – For the first time the Il Sole 24 ORE Group, active for many years in the culture sector and, more recently, in the art sector, is taking part in the Arte Fiera Art First exhibition.
25 years after the launch of its cultural supplement “Il Sole 24 ORE Domenica”, which opened the newspaper to culture, broadening its interests and reader base, the Group has recently completed several deals indicative of the fact that this theme – culture – is one of the company’s strategic development thrusts. The acquisitions of Motta Architettura, Arti Grafiche Motta (now 24 ORE Motta Cultura), and Libri Scheiwiller, and the joint venture with the historic Florentine company Alinari for management of the latter’s extraordinary photographic assets are the first, significant steps of a strategy that renews the long and fortunate story of a publishing group that has become an integrated publishing system. That system is used by over six million people a week via different media and channels, i.e. the newspaper, press agency, radio, Internet, professional and specialist publications, on- and off-line financial products, training, seminars, meetings, and events.
The Il Sole 24 ORE Group will be present at Arte Fiera Art First with a stand, located at the Service Centre. Here visitors to the exhibition will be able to consult and buy the books published by 24 ORE Motta Cultura and Alinari 24 ORE; listen to Radio 24 programmes; and read the architectural and design magazines of Sole 24 ORE Business Media (Area, Materia, Archetipo, Frames, and Parametro). They will also be able to read the Sole 24 ORE periodicals “Ventiquattro”, “House 24”, “Il Sole 24 ORE Domenica” and “ArtEconomy24”, Il Sole 24 ORE’s news and monitoring system for the contemporary art market, available at newsstands on the first Saturday of each month in the finance & investment weekly PLUS24 and on-line every day at www.arteconomy24.it.
In addition, Il Sole 24 ORE has organised two appointments to take place during the exhibition. Friday, 25 January at 4 p.m., at the Art Cafe (Pavilion 18) will feature the meeting “Service and news: a new frontier for the art economy”. It will be moderated by Marilena Pirelli, an Il Sole 24 ORE journalist and editor of “ArtEconomy24”. Participants will be Salvatore Carrubba, Director of Publishing Strategy of Il Sole 24 ORE Group, Umberto Allemandi, Editor-in-Chief of Giornale dell’Arte, and Massimo Di Carlo, President of the Associazione Nazionale Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (national Italian association of modern & contemporary art galleries).
On Saturday 26 January at 11.30 a.m., at the Gallery Hall (Pavilions 21-22), there will be the meeting “Who’s afraid of contemporary art?, marking publication of the book "L'arte contemporanea" by Catherine Millet, published by Libri Scheiwiller under the aegis of 24 ORE - Motta Cultura. Participants will be Vincenzo Trione, Manager of Libri Scheiwiller’s “L'Arte e le Arti” series, Gregorio Botta, artist, and Gianluigi Colin, artist.