8 June 2010

Gruppo 24 ORE presents “Professioni e Imprese 24.it”

The rollout of the new Sole 24 ORE website comes with the launch of the new “Professioni e Imprese 24” portal presenting Gruppo 24 ORE’s solutions for the professional market.
Through www.professioni-imprese24.it - a hub in the true sense of the word - users gain access to a wealth of information, education, software and service tools tailored to professionals, companies and the Public Administration.
Professionals and companies from the fields of Tax and Accounting, Employment, Law, Building and the Environment, Public Administration, ICT and Media, Trade, Agriculture, Enterprise and Management will now be able to access news, articles, insights, practical guides and deadlines updated in real time and connected directly to the daily information offer of Sole 24 ORE.
The “Professionisti e Imprese 24” features are, in fact, integrated with the new www.ilsole24ore.com website: the “Norme e Tributi” section of the online daily presents three regular windows on tax, law and employment, with abstracts, focuses and deadlines prepared by the staffs of professional magazines such as Guida al Diritto, La Settimana
Fiscale or Guida al Lavoro, and directly connected to the new specialist information hub of Gruppo 24 ORE.
Alongside the main regulatory developments, the Hub also offers the complete suite of tools, products and services required to run a professional practice.
Professioni e Imprese 24 is, thus, the new online source of reference for the Italian professional market.

English translation by CAP Q (Capital Quality Translations) www.cap-q.net