Exclusive content, special functions and access to the Sole 24 Ore community to engage with the editorial staff with 24+, the premium section of sole24ore.com


24+ is the digital platform of the Sole 24 Ore website that allows users to access exclusive content created with innovative formats, a series of special functions and to be part of the Sole 24 Ore Community where they can engage directly with the editorial staff in a new two-way dialogue.

This premium section of sole24ore.com is designed to guide readers through the daily information overload, providing them with the tools to understand and analyze today’s reality through the lens of the economy and to help them make informed decisions. This is the reason why it is aimed at a wide audience, keen on current affairs, insightful analysis and explanatory journalism, who loves to enjoy in-depth digital content and interact within a community, in order to fully grasp the surrounding world.

There are four guiding principles of 24+: the finished product, i.e., offering, in the daily barrage of news, not an endless amount of content, but rather a handpicked selection; time well spent, i.e., offering readers a positive user experience, helping them gain insights into a specific topic or offering new perspectives; in-depth analysis and clarity through original editorial formats that steer readers through the information process; visual power, i.e., the ability to put images, illustrations and data views in prominence through an engaging and captivating experience and focusing on a recognizable and quality design.

For further information https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/parte-24-come-funziona-nuova-sezione-premium-sole-24-ore-ACPBedz?fromSearch