ERA radio ratings - 1° half 2024



In 1° half 2024, it grows on all 2023 average day surveys nearing 2,300,000 listeners per day.

Radio 24 kicks off the celebrations for its first 25 years with a strong performance in the ratings surveys conducted by ERA in 1° half 2024. It is the only station to show positive growth across all three average day comparisons, marking an increase of 1.6% versus 1° half 2023, 4.8% versus 2° half 2023, and 2.8% versus the entire 2023, totaling 2,297,000 listeners on average day.

The quality of information and the ability to engage listeners have been reaffirmed, bolstered by the digital transformation achieved in the past year through the new Radio 24 - 4.0 Platform, which recorded remarkable results across all key indicators. The strong connection with the audience is further underscored by the record-breaking downloads of Radio 24 podcasts in May, reaching an all-time high: 9.3 million listens, reflecting a 24% increase versus the same period of the prior year.

The loyalty and active participation of the audience were evident through enthusiastic engagement with the initiative “La trasmissione che non c’è”, designed to celebrate the 25 years of the 24 ORE Group broadcaster. Additionally, Radio 24 showcased its success at the Festival dell’Economia di Trento, where it played a prominent role with 22 live broadcasts in the square and six sold-out live shows.

"The increased listenership we've seen in the first half of the year underscores the significance of a radio station that champions free, autonomous, independent, in-depth, and competent journalism - core values that have defined Radio 24's approach to news over 25 years. These values are recognized and valued by the public, particularly in a media landscape often flooded by routine information and fake news" - says Radio 24 Director and 24 ORE Group Editor-in-Chief Fabio Tamburini - "I extend my gratitude to our editorial team for their unwavering commitment to delivering timely coverage and insightful perspectives on news, politics, the economy, and current affairs, made possible through the synergy and collaboration of journalists and correspondents from the daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore and the news agency Radiocor. Radio 24 reaffirms its uniqueness, a foundational characteristic and strength.”

"The results, bucking the broader radio trend, validate the strength and soundness of our programming choices, which have innovated while preserving Radio 24's original mission”, stresses Sebastiano Barisoni, Deputy Executive Director of Radio 24. "Our commitment to maintaining robust informational content is upheld by the dedication of our news team, coupled with our capability for objective analysis and the frequent provision of public service through our programmes.”

We are extremely proud of this achievement, which we see as a recognition of Radio 24's unwavering commitment of its entire team of professionals, alongside the journalistic areaAt work every day for 18 editions of the Radio Newscast and 56 weekly programmes and an ever-increasing on-the-ground activity: 18 events in 1° half 2024, including live outdoor events and Digital Round Tables”, says Federico Silvestri, General Manager Media & Business 24 ORE Group. “This recognition is further affirmed by the advertising market, with results showing significant growth in the first half of the year, thanks to the increasing number of exclusive campaigns and a strong offering of customized formats, capable of meeting all communication needs within a context of reliability, credibility, and storytelling ability. In addition to this, the Radio 24 - 4.0 platform achieved outstanding results in 1° half 2024: average monthly page impressions increased by 226% and unique browsers grew by 93%. The performance of the new App shines even brighter, with 3.8 million Page Impressions (+17%) and 1.4 million visits (+14%) recorded in 1° half 2024. These figures confirm the strong and increasing usage of the App, underscoring the listeners' high satisfaction with the browsing experience.