Draft financial statements and consolidated financial statements as at 31.12.2010

Milan, 28 March 2011 – Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. informs that, in accordance with the current laws, the draft financial statements as at 31.12.2010, accompanied by the Management’s Report on Performance, the Board of Auditors’ Report and the Audit Firm’s Report, as well as the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 2010 and the Corporate Governance Report, are available to the public at the registered office in Via Monte Rosa 91, Milan (together with the documentation prescribed by art. 2429, paragraph 3 of the Civil Code), at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on the Company’s website www.gruppo24ore.com.
The Explanatory Reports, and further documentation related to the Shareholders’ General Meeting called on 19 April, are available to the public at the abovementioned places.