CORONAVIRUS: Starting today the trustworthy information of the 24 ORE Group made even more accessible. Two initiatives conceived to offer the best information to citizens and tools to professionals


Ever since the onset of the Coronavirus emergency, the 24 ORE Group has offered timely and detailed information building on the professional qualities, skills and authority of the editorial staffs of the Daily, the website, the professional titles, the news agency Radiocor and Radio 24, to help businesses and citizens in coping with the emergency from both a health and economic and regulatory point of view with the wealth of its tools.


Aware of the extraordinary moment we are in and of the mission of serviceable information that distinguishes the way how the editorial staffs of the Group provide information, Il Sole 24 Ore has decided to put in place two initiatives that can meet the needs of both readers, to help them gain insights into understanding the many facets of this emergency, and professionals to have at their fingertips all the tools they need to allow them to tackle the current difficulties and be ready for the recovery.


This is why, starting on 31 March, readers will be able to access this wealth of information with a trial subscription offer for 1 month at € 9.90, while professionals will be able to access some of its most prestigious products for free.

An opportunity that will be tailored to the specific needs of each professional family, from accountants to lawyers, from labour consultants to notaries, from condo managers to civil officers, and illustrated on the website


Until 3 May, every professional will have access to Norme & Tributi Plus Fisco, the new digital pages dedicated to tax professionals, to the other digital newspapers, namely Quotidiano del Lavoro; Quotidiano del Diritto; Quotidiano del Sole 24 Ore Condominio; Quotidiano Enti Locali & PA; Quotidiano del Sole 24 Ore Edilizia e Territorio, as well as the digital renditions of the specialist magazines of the Settimana Fiscale, Guida al Lavoro, and Guida al Diritto Group.


To learn more