CORONAVIRUS EMERGENCY: the 24 ORE Group offers the PA App24PA® free of charge a platform for sending geo-referenced information and news in real time 


The Coronavirus emergency has amplified the need for the PA to respond in a timely, effective and transparent manner to the information needs of citizens, and has made it even more important to invest in new technologies for the prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of the epidemic.

To meet these needs, reflected in the Italian Government's fast call for actionInnova per l'Italia: tecnologia e innovazione per la lotta al Coronavirus”, the 24 ORE Group has decided to offer free of charge to Public Administration App24PA®, a solution based on the WhereApp® Platform, developed by VJTechnology srl, already used by our National Civil Protection and the Italian Red Cross.

AgID, the Agency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, has assisted in the design of the Platform's objectives, in keeping with its coordinating role for projects involving central and peripheral PA aimed at improving Italy’s digitization index according to the development policies enacted by the European Community.


App24PA® is part of the 24 ORE Group’s strategy to develop advanced software solutions and services consistent with its service mission. The solution, whose functionalities hinge on an advanced communication platform, can play a leading role in the fight against the spread of Covid-19, through monitoring and tracking of the population, dissemination of certified public utility information disclosed exclusively by public institutions and official information bodies involved in the fight against the epidemic.


Thanks to App24PA® the many facets of the PA can communicate in a simple, direct and immediately actionable way with their users by sending information and news in real time to citizens geo-referenced across the Country, supplemented by multimedia content and edutainment such as photos, audio and video. The use of the App and the sending of information is carried out by guaranteeing total privacy of the recipients: PAs that use the service, in fact, have no knowledge of the sensitive data of the recipient citizens and subscription to the service is performed in an absolutely anonymous way. Citizens are monitored by tracking the identifier associated with the mobile device on which the App is installed and therefore does not require the use of any authentication system or login.


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