Condominium and construction, Il Sole 24 Ore launches two new digital newspapers


Il Sole 24 Ore doubles the wealth of information tailored to the real-estate world, by launching two new online newspapers today: one on condominiums (; the other on construction and the territory ( The offer doubles, since all the real-estate news that used to appear only in Quotidiano della casa e del territorio, which ceases its circulation, is now passed on to the two new publications.

Condo professionals
In keeping with the spirit of Il Sole 24 Ore, the focus remains on analysis, with constantly updated and extensive news on the condominium world and on rental management, in line with the well-established format of the other digital newspapers (Lavoro, Fisco, Diritto, Enti Locali, Scuola and Sanità). The push towards a specific product brimming with information on condominium issues was triggered by the success of this page, which has been published on Tuesdays for over a year now, read by condo managers, real-estate professionals, technical operators and condominiums that want to stay in the know. The features are, in fact, designed to meet the varied needs of those who live in and gravitate around condominiums: condo managers, lawyers, heating engineers and installers. 

In the construction world 
The construction world is covered by the other online digital newspaper: Edilizia e Territorio, the first to be tailored to those who work with construction companies, and to engineers, architects, surveyors, PA technical operators and, more generally, to those gravitating around the construction world and the field of public works, urban planning, territory, and architecture. Regulatory developments, practical guides for their application, case law, news on projects and competitions, calls for tender, programmes and initiatives implemented by the Government, Regions and local authorities. Every morning, available on PCs, tablets and smartphones to subscribers only (and to non-subscribers in the opening stage), the most comprehensive and wide-reaching perspective on construction in Italy (and on opportunities abroad), at the service of the industry players.