Milan, 17 January 2017
Regarding the rumours appearing in the press today on the relations between Il Sole 24 Ore and ADS, Accertamenti Diffusione Stampa wishes to point out that the alleged decision to suspend the collection of data from Il Sole 24 Ore is in no way in accordance with the truth, nor is it on the agenda of any ADS BoD meeting in the foreseeable future.
As is well known, over the last six months ADS has looked closely into the issue regarding digital copies, and has decided to suspend the publication of multiple digital copies, namely, digital copies sold in bulk, directly to companies or through intermediaries, by a number of publishers, including the 24 ORE Group.
Digital copies are an issue to be monitored very carefully in Italy as well as in other countries around the world, given the on-going technological changes affecting the publishing industry.
The decision to temporarily suspend the collection of data on multiple digital copies was taken unanimously as a precautionary measure by the Board of Directors of ADS, with the aim of maintaining the transparency and credibility of circulation data, two crucial elements in the dialogue between publishers and the advertising market.
A number of changes have been made over the past few months, in order to provide absolute certainty on the actual access to the copies: the new regulations will be submitted within the next two weeks, following approval by the competent authorities, to the BoD Meeting of ADS, in order to receive approval and, therefore, resume the complete and timely collection of data, if possible as early as January 2017.
ADS Accertamenti Diffusione Stampa