BoD IL SOLE 24 ORE S.p.A.: Action plan continues to move ahead Adhesion to new Corporate Governance Code for listed companies approved.

Milan, 14 December 2012 – The meeting of the Board of Directors of Sole 24 ORE S.p.A., chaired by Cav. Lav. Dr. Giancarlo Cerutti, checked the progress of the action plan, which is moving ahead according to schedule.
The BoD also unanimously approved, within the legal deadlines, the adhesion to the new Corporate Governance Code for listed companies. The main changes regard the independence of Committee Presidents, starting from the next Shareholders’ Meeting, and the formalization of the dependence of the internal audit function directly from the Board.
Media contacts:
Ginevra Cozzi, Press Office Manager 24 ORE Group - Tel.02/30221
PMS: Fabio Marando – Tel.02/48000250