Autumn exhibitions: the projects branded 24 ORE Cultura 

















This autumn is packed with projects branded 24 ORE Cultura.

Mudec will host, until 13 February 2022, the exhibition "Disney. L’arte di raccontare storie senza tempo: a project that aims to cast light on the creative process behind the ability to tell timeless stories capable of enchanting the audience. Once upon a time there was Walt Disney, a pioneer in the art of animation. His innovative and creative approach to storytelling has produced some of the most beautiful and celebrated films of the 20th century, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio and Fantasia. The exhibition presents precious original works from the Disney Archives of these legendary features and other well-known Walt Disney Animation Studios films, including Hercules and The Little Mermaid, up to the most recent animated film Frozen 2 - The Secret of Arendelle, created by a new generation of artists and filmmakers still deeply inspired by Walt Disney's legacy


Turin will host, from 14 October to 20 March 2022, the exhibition "Fattori. Capolavori e aperture sul ‘900", organized and fostered by GAM Torino - Fondazione Torino Musei and 24 ORE Cultura - 24 ORE Group in association with Istituto Matteucci and Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori of Livorno.

GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea of Turin hosts for the first time ever on its premises a major retrospective dedicated to the works of Giovanni Fattori (Livorno 1825 - Florence 1908), one of the absolute masters of the Italian nineteenth century, who interpreted in his original and innovative way both the themes of the great battles of the Risorgimento and the subjects linked to rural life and landscape, which he imbued, as with his portraits, with fresh dignity and solemnity. The exhibition, which features over 60 masterpieces by the Livorno artist, including large-scale paintings, precious tables and a selection of etchings, is divided into nine sections spanning a time horizon that goes from 1854 to 1894, from the Macchiaioli experimentation and capital works of the Sixties and Seventies up to the paintings from his more mature years, which reveal his sharp and innovative eye, capable of opening up on the forthcoming ‘900.


From 19 October 2021 to 27 February 2022, Palazzo Reale in Milan holds the exhibition “Realismo Magico”, curated by Gabriella Belli and Valerio Terraroli.
Promoted and produced by the Municipality of Milan-Culture Department, Palazzo Reale and 24 ORE Cultura-24 ORE Group, the exhibition shows a new look at the Movement, a new key of interpretation, thirty years after the last Milanese exhibition on the theme curated by Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco in 1986, which offers the public a unique opportunity to take stock of a historical and artistic period - between the two wars - that long suffered a damnatio memoriae, but which has been gradually rediscovered in recent years through monographic insights into individual artists who have managed to keep the interest alive and now the subject of a true revaluation trend. Visitors can admire more than eighty masterpieces of this complex and fascinating art movement, a form of expression that is purged of the tensions of Futurism and Expressionism and works on a new rendering of the image that presents itself to the eyes of the beholder as 'cold, clear, often investigated in the most minute details, so realistic as to be inevitably disturbing and alienating'


Opening to the public on 17 November 2021 and continuing through 20 March 2022 is the exhibition "WONDER WOMAN. Il mito”, hosted in Milan at Palazzo Morando | Costume Moda Immagine and produced by 24 Ore Cultura - 24 ORE Group in association with Warner Bros. and DC.

The exhibition celebrates the 80th anniversary of the heroine-pioneer, one of the most iconic characters ever, Wonder Woman. This is the first museum project and the first exhibition in Italy completely dedicated to the heroine of the DC universe, one of the most loved characters of American imagination of all time.

The exhibition features not only original boards and comics coming from the DC archives in Burbank, California, and from private collectors and talents, but also original stage costumes from the Warner Bros. Pictures films "Wonder Woman" (2017) and "Wonder Woman 1984" (2020) and the most iconic items used on the set of the films including shields, swords, bows and arrows by the lead actress. Lastly, a rich multimedia series of video projections and animations with archive material and clips from Warner Bros. Pictures films and TV series to open both fans as well as those still unfamiliar with the heroine on the entire world of Diana Prince/Wonder Woman.


To conclude, Wednesday 24 November will see the opening at the MUDEC in Milan of the exhibition "PIET MONDRIAN. Dalla figurazione all’astrazione”. The exhibition, promoted by the Municipality of Milan-Culture Department and produced by 24 ORE Cultura-24 ORE Group, has been organized thanks to the collaboration of Kunstmuseum Den Haag (The Hague), holder of the world’s most important collection of Mondrian's works. Open to the public until 27 March 2022, the exhibition brings to Milan for the first time ever an exhibition entirely dedicated to the Dutch artist and the artistic evolutionary process that led him from figuration to abstraction, from the tradition of the Dutch landscape to the development of his unique style, which made him unmistakably famous worldwide.

The event displays paintings that cover all the phases of Mondrian's artistic career, showing his transition from figurative to abstract painting; the project unexpectedly introduces us to the Dutch master as one of the finest colourists of his day and one of the greatest masters of twentieth-century painting. The exhibition invites visitors to rediscover Mondrian's masterpieces from a different and unconventional perspective.