ADS circulation figures: in April 2015 Il Sole 24 Ore is the second national daily newspaper in total print + digital circulation with 382,015 copies, up YoY (+4.8%) and the leading national digital


According to ADS circulation figures on Italian daily newspapers released today, Il Sole 24 Ore confirms its growth in digital and total print + digital circulation also in April 2015.

Looking at total print + digital circulation, the daily led by Roberto Napoletano retains its position for the 8th straight month as the 2nd national daily newspaper with 382,015 average copies, hot on the heels of Corriere della Sera and ahead of Repubblica, bucking the trend of the main market players, up by +4.8% versus April 2014, which had already reported a double-digit growth versus April 2013.

Il Sole 24 Ore also continues to retain its leadership in Italy in total digital circulation, widening the gap on other market players with 213,941 digital copies, up by +18.7% versus April 2014 and confirming, for the 3rd straight month, the record in single digital copies, totaling 65,075 (+21.9% vs April 2014).

An extraordinary achievement that originates in the multimedia strategy of the 24 ORE Group driven by Managing Editor Roberto Napoletano, with the creation of 11 digital daily newspapers boasting exclusive content and updated in real time: “Sole 24 Ore’s multimedia system continues to bear fruit, as shown once again by the rise, after months of growth, in constantly updated copies, meaning the subscriptions to the website. These results prove that the market recognizes the quality of our content and is willing to pay for it on every platform”.

The success of the ADS figures goes hand in hand with the performance of, the first fee-based website in Italy, which currently boasts over 31,000 subscriptions in its web and mobile versions. This figure plus the ADS one make Il Sole 24 Ore the leading daily newspaper in Italy in terms of circulation (newsstand print copies, digital subscriptions, website and mobile version).