70 years lived in real time. Anniversary celebrations for the news agency Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Radiocor news agency, a leader in financial information in Italy, we organized a special event on the evening of Wednesday, 8 November 2023, at the iconic Palazzo della Borsa Italiana. The special event honoured representatives of the financial community, featuring key figures who have shaped the agency's history, recounting the evolution of Italy’s financial landscape.
The evening, attended by Confindustria President Carlo Bonomi, Confindustria Small Industry President Giovanni Baroni, Confindustria Vice President Alberto Marenghi, Assolombarda President Alessandro Spada and Luiss Business School President Luigi Abete, was also an opportunity to celebrate and honour the leaders in Italian business and financial information. It also served as a forum to discuss the evolution of information amidst multimedia and innovation.
The evening wrapped up with the Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony honouring distinguished members of the financial community: Lino Cardarelli, industrial and financial consultant; Sandro Gerbi, journalist and historian; Gianfranco Modolo, journalist and writer, among the founders and veterans of the daily la Repubblica; Giovanni Tamburi, Founder, Chairman and CEO TIP - Tamburi Investment Partners S.p.A..
The initiatives implemented for this 70th anniversary focused not only on the history of the news agency but also on its future. Aligned with Radiocor's multimedia and innovative spirit, three students from journalism schools authorized by the Order of Journalists were awarded prizes for participating in the “Futuro&Giornalismo” contest. They explored the role of agency journalism today, including the impact of technology and the advent of AI on information, through contributions such as videos and/or podcasts.
To celebrate the anniversary, the book "Radiocor: 70 anni di vita tra i mercati finanziari” honours all those who have shaped the history of Radiocor and financial journalism. It features firsthand accounts from individuals who have witnessed the agency's journey.