24 ORE GROUP: Valentina Montanari new CFO

Milan, 2 August 2013 – Valentina Montanari is the new CFO of the 24 ORE Group.


Valentina Montanari, who will join the 24 ORE Group on 30 September, 2013, was previously CFO at Gefran, a leading company in the industrial automation field, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange.


Before that, she was Finance Director of the RCS Group from 2003 to 2009, and from 2009 to 2011 was CFO of Dada (RCS Group). A graduate in economics from the University of Pavia, she earned a Master at SDA Bocconi.


Montanari replaces Massimo Luca Arioli, who has chosen to leave the 24 ORE Group to pursue new professional interests.

Media contacts:
Ginevra Cozzi
Press Office Manager 24 ORE Group
Tel. 02-3022.4945 - Mob. 335/1350144