24 ORE Group: Stefano Quintarelli new director Digital Area

Milan, 1° April 2011 – Stefano Quintarelli is the new Director of the Digital Area of the 24 ORE Group. A graduate in information sciences at the University of Milan, Quintarelli, 46, boasts extensive experience in the Telecom-Internet industry, and is one of the pioneers of commercial Internet in Italy. In 1994, he co-founded I.NET, Italy's very first commercial Internet Service Provider geared to the professional market, and was president of the Italian Association of Internet Operators (AIIP) until January 2007, and member of the Steering Committee of Federcomin (National Trade Federation of Confindustria representing the ICT services segment). 
Quintarelli’s appointment further strengthens the management team of the 24 ORE Group led by CEO Donatella Treu. The new director will coordinate all the activities falling under the Group’s Digital Area, contributing with his experience to increasing the Group’s foothold in its core markets, and to developing the important projects envisaged in the Business Plan, which will get underway in the upcoming months.

For further information:
Ginevra Cozzi
Press Office Manager 24 ORE Group
Tel. 02-3022.4945 - Mob. 335/1350144