26 March 2009

24 ORE Group shuts down, as from 1st of April, "24 Minuti"

Milan, 26 March, 2009 – 24 ORE Group shuts down, as from 1st of April, “24 Minuti”, the free daily distributed every afternoon in Rome and Milan. The decision was taken, despite the public’s positive reception for the format, in response to the negative trend of the Italian advertising market in 2008 and the further deterioration in the opening months of 2009. In the words of Cav. Lav. Dr. Giancarlo Cerutti, Chairman of 24 ORE Group: “Ending a product made with such extraordinary quality and enthusiasm is always a painful event, but the current situation of the free press market gives us no choice”. 

For information: Ginevra Cozzi, Press Office Il Sole 24 ORE ginevra.cozzi@ilsole24ore.com; Cell. 335/1350144 

English translation by CAP Q (Capital Quality Translations) www.cap-q.net