24 ORE Group: Natalina Costa CEO of “24 ORE Cultura”

Milan, 28 June 2012 – The Board of Directors of 24 ORE Cultura S.r.l. was renewed upon expiry of its three-year term, and Natalina Costa was appointed CEO.
Costa, 54, former Director of Communications, Exhibitions and Books of 24 ORE Cultura, was Exhibitions Production Manager of 24 ORE Cultura since its inception in 2007, and before that of Federico Motta Editore.
In 2011, 24 ORE Cultura strengthened its position on the national market of major exhibitions with 10 successful productions: in particular, Artemisia Gentileschi at Palazzo Reale in Milan with 180,000 visitors, Filippino Lippi e Botticelli at Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome with 150,000 presences, and Pixar at the Contemporary Art Pavilion of Milan with 140,000 visitors.

For further information:
Press office Gruppo 24 ORE:
Ginevra Cozzi - Tel. 02/3022.4945 - Mob. 335/1350144