24 ORE Group first Italian publishing group to obtain the Gender Equality Certification with Bureau Veritas

The 24 ORE Group is the first Italian publishing group to have obtained the Gender Equality certification pursuant to UNI/PdR 125:2022, issued by Bureau Veritas Italia: an acknowledgement that marks the Group's entry into a new propulsive phase, defined not only by the new hires joining the company's workforce, but also by its editorial product, with the initiatives of the daily Il Sole 24 Ore, the website with the blog Alley-Oop - l’altra metà del Sole, Radio 24 and the news agency Radiocor, books, podcasts and events, which combined drive the values of inclusion, gender equality and sustainability more generally. "We are really proud to have obtained the gender certification in such a short time and to be the trailblazers in our industry. We are well aware that obtaining the Gender Certification is not the final goal, but rather a starting point, a strong push for the future development of the Group”, emphasized 24 ORE Group CEO Mirja Cartia d'Asero.
To learn more https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/il-gruppo-24-ore-ottiene-certificazione-parita-genere-AEqEg4QC