24 ORE GROUP: Antonio Scuderi new CEO of “24 ORE Cultura” and of “Alinari 24 ORE”

Milan, 28 September 2010 - Antonio Scuderi is the new CEO of “24 ORE Cultura” and of “Alinari 24 ORE”. Scuderi, 43, married with two children, comes from De Agostini Editore, where he was director of editorial coordination and business development in the fields of content libraries and culture. He previously gained extensive experience in traditional and online publishing, particularly with Editoriale l’Espresso and Fastweb. Salvatore Carrubba stays on as chairman of 24 ORE Cultura.

Scuderi’s shift from De Agostini represents yet another move to strengthen 24 ORE Group’s management team: Gianluca Perin, the new HR & Organization Director (from Mondadori); Carlo Capalbo, IT Director (from Wolters Kluwer); Maurizio Dieghi, head of relations with professional bodies and associations. These last two roles, strategic for the Group’s business activities, were not part of the previous corporate line-up.

For further information:
Ginevra Cozzi
Press Office Manager 24 ORE Group
Tel. 02-3022.4945 - Cell. 335/1350144

English translation by CAP Q (Capital Quality Translations) www.cap-q.net