24 ORE Group and Financial Times sign three-year agreement to create events of international prominence produced in Italy.Two events in 2021 developed along the MADE IN ITALY path this year named "


In the wake of the huge success garnered by "Made in Italy: the restart", the three-day event organized in October 2020 and followed by 28 thousand users, graced by the presence of more than 60 high-level speakers from the political and economic world, including ministers and institutional representatives, entrepreneurs and managers from top-ranking Italian companies, ll Sole 24 Ore and Financial Times, national and international leaders in the field of business, financial, regulatory and tax information, have signed a new three-year partnership agreement for the production of digital and physical events of international prominence from Italy.


The first event slated for 2021 is "Made in Italy: Setting a New Course", a path developing along two events: a “Pre-Summit Think Tank”, scheduled for Tuesday 8 June, and the three-day Summit to take place from Monday 4 October to Wednesday 6 October.


"Made in Italy: Setting a New Course" will be created in media partnership with Sky TG24: the meetings will be moderated by veteran journalists from Il Sole 24 Ore, Financial Times and Sky TG24 and will be simulcast from the Sky studios, live on Sky TG24 and Sky TG24 Primo Piano and streamed with simultaneous Italian-English translation.


For further information https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/accordo-triennale-gruppo-24-ore-e-financial-times-eventi-rilievo-internazionale-AEjzSTK