24 ORE GROUP: Alfonso Dell’Erario appointed General Manager Advertising, Training and Events Area

Milan, 5 March 2012 – On 1 March, 24 ORE Group created the Advertising, Training and Events Area, appointing Alfonso Dell’Erario as General Manager.
Dell’Erario heads the System BU, led by Deputy General Manager Romano Ruosi, and the Training and Events BU, managed by Antonella Rossi.
Alfonso Dell’Erario joined the 24 Ore Group five years ago. He started as editorial writer and later became managing editor and communications director. A professional journalist since 1981, he was head of the economic desk at Il Messaggero, deputy director of AdnKronos, and communications director of Confindustria from 2001 to end 2005.  


For further information:
Press Office 24 ORE Group: 
Ginevra Cozzi - Tel. 02/3022.4945 – Mob. 335/1350144
PMS: Fabio Marando – Tel. 02/48000250 - Mob. 329/4605000