2021 edition of Telefisco continues: catch-up available from 3 February


Telefisco continues even after the live event of January 28. Users can, for instance, take advantage of options that are alternative to "Telefisco base" or receive the answers to the questions sent to Forum de l’Esperto risponde.

Several ongoing activities are, in fact, available to professionals and taxpayers.

With “Telefisco Plus”, users will be able to catch up on Telefisco even after it’s been broadcast, with the reports presented on Thursday, 28 January, with the possibility of receiving credits. Access to "Telefisco Plus" is available for €19.99 to subscribers to the newspaper and for €29.99 to other participants.

But the purchase of "Telefisco Plus" will allow users, from 4 February, to follow six additional reports (with two extra training credits for accountants and labour consultants and four for notaries). On top of that, the handout with the reports and slides from all the authors is already available. "Telefisco Plus" also offers access to the digital daily NtPlus Fisco through February.

With Telefisco Advanced, professional training and retraining continue through December. For €59.99, users receive all the content and services of "Telefisco Plus" as well as eight webinars with experts from Telefisco, from March to December, on the year's obligations and developments.

The «Guida pratica Imposte dirette» is also available in digital format.

2021 will also feature a special Telefisco, offering insights into the lawmaking of the first half of the year, as well as the main obligations for 2021, with in-depth analysis and contributions from Sole Ore experts.


For further information https://ecommerce.ilsole24ore.com/landing/telefisco/