15 SMEs HONOURED WITH THE "SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISE" AWARD AT THE "SUSTAINABILITY FORUM" BY SOLE 24 ORE AND THE HOLY SEEThe award categories include environmental, digital, social, and economic sustain

The 24 ORE Group continues its initiatives on the topic of sustainability: at the Sustainability Forum held last Wednesday 25 October in Rome, organized by Il Sole 24 Ore in collaboration with the Holy See and under the patronage of the Pontifical Academy for Life, the awards ceremony for the second edition of the 2023 Sustainable Enterprise Award took place; created in collaboration with the Vatican and under the patronage of the Pontifical Academy for Life, in association with Piccola Industria Confindustria and Banco BPM as the Main Partner, the award recognizes Italian SMEs that have implemented virtuous processes by adopting new, more sustainable solutions to navigate the unprecedented challenges of recent years. The goal is to inspire and set an example for the revitalization of the Italian economic and social system. 15 companies were honoured, including a special out-of-category award, across 4 categories: "Environmental Sustainability”, "Digital Sustainability”, "Social Sustainability”, "Economic Sustainability" https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/ecco-imprese-vincitrici-premio-impresa-sostenibile-2023-sole-24-ore-AFAr8sNB.
This second edition of the Sustainable Enterprise Award reaffirms the longstanding commitment of all 24 ORE Group media to amplify the calls for a development paradigm that harmoniously integrates growth with environmental and social concerns.
An information system that seeks to offer actionable answers to the growing demand for information from readers on a topic that is gaining increasing visibility on the national and international political and economic agenda, as well as to provide companies with the right solutions to their increased need to voice their commitment to the topic.
One of the recent initiatives in this endeavour is the launch of the Morningstar IlSole24Ore Sustainability 24 Index: developed through a partnership between the 24 ORE Group and Morningstar - which also gave rise to the Morningstar IlSole24Ore Italy 40 Index. This index gauges the performance of Italian stock markets, with a focus on the top 40 Italian stocks by market capitalization. Morningstar IlSole24Ore Sustainability 24 ("ESG24" Index) includes 24 bluechips from various industries that demonstrate the best performance on ESG criteria within the Morningstar Italy index.
The 24 ORE Group's information offering on sustainability includes the "Sustainability" channel on the Sole 24 Ore website, https://www.ilsole24ore.com/sez/sostenibilita, which offers analysis of and insights into the most relevant areas ranging from finance to sustainable saving, to specific legislation including the “ecobonus” programme and incentives for businesses, to welfare and third sector issues, circular economy, energy and the environment, finishing off with green economy issues related to consumption and lifestyles, food safety, and smart cities.
The section includes the ESG Observatory: developed by the Research Office of Il Sole 24 Ore and by the editorial staff of the savings and personal finance weekly Plus24, it is an interactive database that gathers the results of a survey on the state of play of sustainability in small and medium-sized Italian companies, which comprise a few listed on the Italian stock exchange.
Also online, Lab24, the Il Sole 24 Ore section that offers readers new journalistic formats with a strong visual impact, dedicates a series of longforms to the pressing climate emergency, including “I custodi dell’acqua” (https://lab24.ilsole24ore.com/siccita-idroelettrico-dighe-alpi/), to explore the causes - and possible solutions - of the severe drought affecting our Country, and “Cop26, i grafici dell’emergenza climatica” (https://lab24.ilsole24ore.com/cop26-grafici/), which takes a close look at the countries with the highest CO2 emissions, the effects on temperature and the industries involved.
These are complemented by the new multimedia special “Clima e Ambiente” (s24ore.it/clima-ambiente), a dossier updated every week with the latest news, insights, data, and graphs, which brings together in one hub all the website's analysis devoted to the environment and sustainability.
The online information enriches the wealth of information offered by Il Sole 24 Ore, which dedicates four reports to sustainable development every year and, starting from 2021, a new important initiative in association with Statista, international leader in the analysis of data and market trends: “Leader della Sostenibilità”, the ranking of the most sustainable companies from an environmental, social and economic standpoint, who wish to compete for inclusion in a list of green and ethical excellences. This is a unique project in Italy, whose methodology is based on 45 KPIs considered an effective gauge of performance in terms of sustainability and social and environmental responsibility https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/leader-sostenibilita-2023-moda-supera-finanza-AEYa6pRD. Il Sole 24 Ore also offers a series of themed books on various topics such as decarbonization, inclusive leadership and the electric car.
Radio 24 dedicated to the topic Green Deal the original podcast entitled “Europa Sostenibile - 10 anni per il futuro": 20 episodes edited by Gigi Donelli and Giulia Cannizzaro and produced in collaboration with Euranet Plus, that shed light on crucial environmental issues and the transformational path towards reduced reliance on fossil fuels, against the backdrop of new challenges and old concerns. The 20 episodes seek to shed light on where the world is heading, offering valuable expert insights and heeding the voice of the young generations, as well as those who are trying to do something real and tangible to change course https://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/podcast-originali/europa-sostenibile
It is a deep-rooted attention born not on the wake of the recent awareness campaign that touches our society, but from the many years that Radio 24 has given voice to the wide range of issues related to the world of sustainability thanks to the longstanding slot "Si può fare", on air every Saturday and Sunday morning, bringing the stories of those who wish to change things to live in a better world, a world more respectful of people and our planet, keeping the main focus on the environment: nature conservation, circular economy, sustainable development, green mobility. This is complemented by "Smart City”, the daily broadcast dedicated to showcasing innovations that make cities more livable, which extends into the weekly slot of the original podcast "Smart City XL" with four special episodes in July on 'gendered cities’, to share the differences in the daily lives of women, men and gender minorities in our cities.
Those eager to stay in the know on everything connected with sustainability in the financial sphere can count on the newscast produced by the Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor agency: from green bonds to Sri funds up to the Esg benchmarks, in addition to analyses, indices, ratings.
Furthermore, 24 ORE Eventi organizes a wide range of initiatives on circular economy, including, for 2023, the Sustainability Forum. https://24oreventi.ilsole24ore.com/.
Given the high demand for sustainability-related skills in future professions, Sole 24 Ore Formazione, an academy stemming from a partnership between Il Sole 24 ORE and the Multiversity Group - leader in Italy's Education Technology market with digital universities Pegaso, Mercatorum, San Raffaele Roma, and the coding factory Aulab - provides dedicated training pathways. These include a part-time master's degree in Environmental Sustainability Management and ESG Policies, and Professional Workshops curated by Sole Experts, encompassing Transition 4.0.
In-depth useful technical-operational information for field players is also offered by the professional databases with the environment and safety module, which provides official documentation on environmental authorizations and requirements, atmospheric emissions, reclamation, waste and packaging management, energy efficiency and renewable sources https://24oreprofessionale.ilsole24ore.com/